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How To Get Zombie Titan TV Man in Toilet Tower Defense

We explain how you can get the Zombie Titan TV Man and Zombie Toilet units in Roblox Toilet Tower Defense.
How To Get Zombie Titan TV Man in Toilet Tower Defense
Telanthric Development

There's no rest for Roblox Toilet Tower Defense enjoyers. With the Valentine's Day 2025 event complete, the next big content drop has happened in the form of the Speed Run update. That's why some users might be wondering how they can get the Zombie Titan TV Man and Zombie Toilet units, as both were mentioned in the update notes.

Read More: All Forcefield Units & Crate Odds in Toilet Tower Defense

Let's give it a quick flush and then discuss how you can easily obtain both the regular Zombie Toilet and the Zombie Titan TV Man unit, along with their stats.

How To Get Zombie Toilet in Toilet Tower Defense

You can get the Zombie Toilet by hoping for quite a bit of luck and opening Basic Crates. The Zombie Toilet is a Mythic item, which means that you have a 0.1% chance of getting it, or with both Game Pass and Luck Boosts active, roughly a 0.4% chance.

toilet tower defense zombie toilet basic crate zombie titan tv man unit unlock get robux
The Zombie Toilet is currently part of the Toilet Tower Defense meta. (Picture: Telanthric Development)

Toilet Tower Defense players can also get it from the Mythic Crate as a new addition. This gives you a 1.5% chance, or with both Luck Boost and Game Pass active, roughly a 4.5% chance, which isn't all that bad.

How To Get Zombie Titan TV Man

Unfortunately, the only way to get the awesome Zombie Titan TV Man unit is to spend 599 Robux in the game's store. This unit is, of course, inspired by a character in MonsterUP's zombie universe series. Check out its stats/gameplay details below.

  • Strikes toilets with a claw. This swipes through multiple toilets at ones doing piercing!
  • Has 360 degree AOE where toilets in the area will be slowed for 10 seconds by 60%.

Players can also get the Zombie Titan TV Man unit via trading with other players or spending Gems at the market place.

Read More: Toilet Tower Defense Unit Index: How To Get Endless XP Boost & Jetpack Mount

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