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How To Get Viridian Sword In Rune Slayer

Here is how you can get the legendary Viridian sword in Roblox Rune Slayer.
How To Get Viridian Sword In Rune Slayer
Picture: Rune Slayer Game

Rune Slayer's latest update has brought the legendary Viridian sword into the game. It deals a massive physical damage to the enemies, while providing you strength. Apart from this, it will apply Blighted debuff to enemies that will reduce their defense. Here is how you can get Viridian sword in Rune Slayer.

Viridian Sword Obtainment Method In Rune Slayer

Guide to getting Viridian Sword in Rune Slayer
Guide to getting Viridian Sword in Rune Slayer. (Picture: itzVexo)

Viridian Sword is the "goblins' most coveted treasure," as per the official description. It means that you will have to kill goblins in order to get the sword. 

You will find goblins in the Goblin Caves; however, keep in mind that you might have to kill multiple goblins before they randomly drop Viridian Sword.

In order to reach Goblin Caves, cross the small bridge next to the pond and then the crop farm diagonally. Then, take a right from the tall tree on the edge of the mountain in Wilderness and keep going forward until you find caves, which is Goblin Caves.

That's everything you needed to know about getting Viridian sword in Rune Slayer.