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How To Get Untitled Tag Game Mega Token Mega Token Badge

Here's a detailed guide on how to get the Mega Token in Untitled Tag Game in Roblox The Hunt: Mega Edition.
How To Get Untitled Tag Game Mega Token Mega Token Badge

Want to know how to get the Mega Token in Untitled Tag Game? You're not alone. The Hunt: Mega Edition in Roblox has players scrambling to collect Mega Tokens, but some are much harder to get than others. Unlike the basic event tasks, these require a lot more effort like solving puzzles and such.

This guide will walk you through every step of getting the Mega Token in Untitled Tag Game.

How To Get The Hunt Mega Token In Untitled Tag Game | Roblox

To start, join Untitled Tag Game on Roblox and look for a hidden portal on the map. The location of this portal can vary depending on the map you are on (there are usually two per map), but in one of the most common maps Uncharted Cave, you can find it behind a waterfall.

Head toward the waterfall, walk through the flowing water and enter the hidden cave. Inside, you’ll find the portal that takes you to the next phase of the challenge. Interact with it continuously until the portal activates and it will teleport you to a separate game.

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Find the secret portal on the map.

In this game, your character will drop from the sky into a futuristic cyber city. A cutscene will play, and you will wake up inside a locked cell. Shortly after, an NPC will speak to you from a window, setting up the next objective (you can skip through the dialogue to save time).

After the conversation, interact with the terminal in your cell. This will let you hack a drone that you can use to unlock your cell door. The drone is key, as it will help you break into vents and scan security terminals. To do this, move the drone towards a vent, break it open, and navigate the area.

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Use the terminal to hack a drone.

You'll then need to scan six cells scattered around the prison facility. After scanning all the locations, you'll need to find a screwdriver to break a locked door. The tool is hidden above your cell and must be retrieved using the drone. An alarm will ring soon after, activating security guards in the area.

Once your door unlocks, go to the snacks area, avoiding security cameras and guards. There's a vent cover in the corner. Use your screwdriver to remove the cover and navigate the vents until you find a reactor room. Now, take down the guard and obtain the key card on the desk near the walkway.

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Look for this hatch near the snacks area.

If you crouch under the covering between the two desks, you should be able to enter the vents on the right. Navigate the vents until you find a vent cover, using your tool to unlock it, and then head to the coolant room while evading the guards. Along the way, scan the keycards to the airlock.

In the coolant room, climb up one of the two ladders. At the fork, press the two buttons located at Supply and Production to open the gate. Now go to the Supply area and parkour your way up the forklifts and shelves to reach the upper platform and activate the power redirection button.

Make your way to the coolant room.

Now go to the Production area. Use the crates, scaffolding, and pipes to reach the aerator sequencing override button. Once both buttons are pressed, take the zipline back to the tram area. With the gate open, ride to the next section. Unlock the Turbine area using the keycard and solve the puzzle by flipping all six turbines.

Each button affects different turbines, so experiment until all of them are activated. Once done, press the reactor restart button to trigger a facility-wide meltdown. Shortly after that, drones will start chasing you. Your goal is to outrun them while avoiding laser traps.

There are six turbines.

This final escape sequence is challenging, but once you reach the last rooftop, you will see the Mega Token floating in the air. Jump toward it to complete the challenge and claim your reward. You'll also get the Containment Breach badge in the game.

And that's a wrap. Now, you can proceed to obtain the Mega Token in Pressure. Special thanks to TheOfficial Fuzion on YouTube for their walkthrough. While you're at it, don't forget to redeem the Cactrot Cactus code in Roblox 

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