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Toilet Tower Defense Valentines 2025 Crate: How To Get & Units

Everything Toilet Tower Defense enjoyers should know about the Valentines 2025 Crate, including all the units inside and how they can earn more.
Toilet Tower Defense Valentines 2025 Crate: How To Get & Units
Telanthric Development

Valentine's Day is a bit early in the wonderful and wacky world of Toilet Tower Defense as the creator, Telanthric Development, has released a huge new update and event featuring a brand-new Valentines 2025 Crate for players to acquire.

Read More: How To Unlock All Toilet Tower Defense Season Pass Clock Units

Take a load off (get it?), and let's discuss how all Roblox Toilet Tower Defense players can get their hands on a Valentines 2025 Crate and details on all the units inside.

How To Get Valentines Crate in Toilet Tower Defense

To purchase a new Valentines 2025 Crate in Toilet Tower Defense, you must collect a bunch of Hearts and spend that currency for these containers. To get Hearts, players must jump into the new Valentine's Day event and defeat broken hearts toilets. 

Toilet Tower Defense valentines 2025 units how to get hearts
Picture: Telanthric Development

You can earn 200 Hearts for winning one Valentine's Day event, or if you lose, you still earn three (3) Hearts per wave cleared. One of the new Crates cost 100 Hearts, so good luck, and enjoy!

All Toilet Tower Defense Valentine's Day 2025 Units

We aren't going to waste your time here since there are lots of Hearts to collect and crates to open.

Below, you can check out all the Valentine's Day units in Roblox Toilet Tower Defense, alongside gameplay details and the chances of getting one when you open a Valentines 2025 Crate.

Chocolates Cameraman (Epic) (45%)

  • Throws chocolate hearts at toilets, causing splash damage and explosions with chocolates flying out.

Teddy Bear Speakerman (Legendary) (40%)

  • Starts as a normal Speakerman, but progressively gains teddy bear limbs (claws, arms, legs, and torso).
  • Does heavy punching damage, with upgrades increasing the teddy bear parts.
  • These punches come super quick and in combos!

Heartbroken TV Man (Mythic) (13%)

  • Does an sad AOE attack!
  • Has a cracked TV screen showing a broken heart, absorbing stun effects for boosts (1% DPS per second stunned, max 200%).
  • This boost will reset if it doesn't take any stuns for 30 seconds!

Loveblade Cameraman (Godly) (2%)

  • Pink cameraman with a "Loveblade" sword, capable of long-range orbs that have a 1% chance too turn back enemys to they act as an ally at 1% with a max strength of 500,000!
  • Also does piecing damage when up close with its blade. This has a 2% chance to turn back attackers with a 2,000,000 strength limit!
  • Provides AOE damage and slowing to toilets in his love aura.

Lastly, remember that you can also purchase the Titan Angelic Cameraman from the Shop for 499 Robux for a limited time.

Read More: All Forcefield Units & Crate Odds in Toilet Tower Defense

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