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Toilet Tower Defense Unit Index: How To Get Endless XP Boost & Jetpack Mount

We explain what milestones Robox Toilet Tower Defense players must reach to unlock the Jetpack Mount and Endless XP Boost rewards.
Toilet Tower Defense Unit Index: How To Get Endless XP Boost & Jetpack Mount
Telanthric Development

In a brand-new Roblox Toilet Tower Defense update, aptly entitled "Index Update," the creators, Telanthric Development, have unleashed new Forcefield Units, an exclusive Titan Chimney Man, and, of course, the Unit Index for Roblox Toilet Tower Defense.

Read More: Toilet Tower Defense RNG Crate: How To Get, Price & Units

With the Unit Index, those who've been collecting a variety of units will be thrilled with this new feature, which shows every unit you have collected in your inventory. With the Unit Index in Toilet Tower Defense, there are some new rewards for players to acquire, so let's take a look.

All Rewards of Unit Index in Toilet Tower Defense

Roblox Toilet Tower Defense Endless XP Boost Jetpack Mount Unit Index rewards
The Unit Index feature! (Picture: Telanthric Development)

You can access the Unit Index feature next to the summoning area. Players can see both the regular and Shiny units they've collected, and they can get additional info sorted by rarity and more.

This isn't just a great new UI feature, however, as your unit collection efforts are rewarded. Check out the requirements to unlock the Jetpack Mount and 50% Endless XP Boost reward below.

  • 250 Regular Units: Unlock a Jetpack Mount!
  • 40 Shiny Units: Unlock a 50% Endless XP Boost!

Good luck to everyone trying to get all the rewards from the new Unit Index in Toilet Tower Defense. It's not going to be easy, especially those 40 Shiny Units you need to collect. However, the rewards are definitely worth the trouble!

Read More: All 12 Missing Gift Locations In Toilet Tower Defense Christmas Event

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