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Toilet Tower Defense Speed Run Crate: How To Get & All Units

We explain how Roblox Toilet Tower Defense players can quickly and efficiently get more Speed Run Crates, and which units are inside.
Toilet Tower Defense Speed Run Crate: How To Get & All Units
Telanthric Development

There's a brand-new update from developer Telanthric Development for Roblox Toilet Tower Defense players to enjoy, which includes a new Speed Run Crate to open. If you haven't played the popular Roblox title for a while, then don't fear; we've got you covered.

Read More: How To Get Zombie Titan TV Man in Toilet Tower Defense

Let's leap in and discuss how you can quickly get more Speed Run Crates in Toilet Tower Defense and outline all three new Units you can unlock in the process.

How To Farm Speed Run Crates in Toilet Tower Defense

First up, I've got some good—no scratch that—great news to share! It's quite easy to farm a bunch of Speed Run Crates in Toilet Tower Defense. I'm talking about 5 to 10 an hour for the average gamer.

You can get Speed Run Crates from the newly-added Speed Run game mode. Simply win a match under the specified time to get a free Speed Run Crate. Players can also climb the leaderboard to earn Gems. 

Roblox toilet tower defense speed run crate units get
Oh look, the Speedy Speakerman! (Picture: Telanthric Development)

The mode sees everyone using the same loadout, so you are on equal footing. Loadouts change up weekly, and there's also a top 100 leaderboard. Players can further earn Gems are additional rewards.

After you get the hang of the loadout and weekly challenge, we suggest playing at x2 speed with the Skip Faster option to get more Speed Run Crates quickly.

All Speed Run Crate Units in Toilet Tower Defense

There are three new units for players to unlock by opening Speed Run Crates, including the Godly rarity Titan Fast Armored Cameraman, the Mythic rarity Tracksuit Cameraman, and the Legendary rarity Speedy Speakerman. 

Check out the gameplay details, stats, percentage chance and rarity of all three Speed Run Crate units outlined below.

Titan Fast Armored Cameraman (Godly) (1%):

  • Spawns speedy speakeren that run down the track attacking toilets
  • Gains armor every upgrade making it stronger!
  • Has an ability that speeds up all units by 2x speed within its radius. This will last for 30 seconds and have a 300 second cooldown

Tracksuit Cameraman (Mythic) (25%):

  • This speedy speakerman hits toilets while dashing at them super fast!
  • All toilets that he hits will be slowed for 10 seconds by 60%.
  • Has a 2% chance to send back toilets and transform them into allies!

Speedy Speakerman (Legendary) (74%)

  • This speedy speakerman hits toilets while dashing at them super fast!
  • All toilets that he hits will be slowed for 3 seconds by 40%.

So there you have: a way to quickly get more Speed Run Crates in Toilet Tower Defense and all the units you can find inside.

Read More: All Forcefield Units & Crate Odds in Toilet Tower Defense

Watch YouTuber Kwil's informative video below showcasing how you can unlock all the units in the Speed Run Crate with ease.

Good luck, and have fun!

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