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How To Get Titan Firework Man in Toilet Tower Defense

We explain all the steps needed to get the Titan Firework Man in Toilet Tower Defense alongside the unit's stats.
How To Get Titan Firework Man in Toilet Tower Defense
Telanthric Development

Do you want to get the Titan Firework Man in Toilet Tower Defense? Of course, you do. Don't worry; we are here to help all Roblox players get the Godly new unit.

With a really cool spawn animation and powerful fireworks that keep on doing Splash Damage, the Titan Firework Man is a must-have. Let's jump straight in and discuss how you can get the new Toilet Tower Defense unit released with the Episode 75 update, and take a look at its stats.

Toilet Tower Defense Titan Firework Man: How To Get

You have a 99.95% chance to get the Sparkler Cameraman unit in the 4th of July Crate, and 00.05% to get the Titan Firework Man unit. This means that to get the Titan Firework Man, Toilet Tower Defense players must open a tonne of 4th of July Crates.

Read More: How To Get Free 4th Of July Crate In Toilet Tower Defense

The good news is that you get a free 4th of July Crate every hour (60 minutes) you are in-game. Therefore, a good way to farm the Titan Firework Man for free is to stay in Roblox Toilet Tower Defense and play it consistently. There are, after all, 24 hours in a day! 

Roblox toilet tower defense titan firework man unit how to get stats
You can open your wallet and spend some Robux to get a bunch more 4th of July Crates. (Picture: Telanthric Development)

To get the Titan Firework Man faster, you can always purchase 4th of July Crates with Robux, which, of course, means opening your wallet. Check out the purchase options below.

  • x5 4th of July Crates - 299 Robux
  • x25 4th of July Crates - 1249 Robux
  • x50 4th of July Crates - 4499 Robux

Good luck! Yes, the 4th of July Crates are tradeable, so you can also make deals with other players.

Titan Firework Man Stats & Upgrade Levels

Below, you can find a no-nonsense table outlining the stats and upgrade levels for the Titan Firework Man unit in Roblox Toilet Tower defense. This Godly unit does Splash damage.

Level Upgrade Price Damage DPS Range CD
Level 1 $2500 5k 2.5k 25 2
Level 2 $7500        
Level 3 $14,000        
Level 4 $16,000        
Level 5 $20,000 90k 90k 60 1

At the time of writing, we don't have the precise damage numbers of levels 2 to 4. However, you can see the end result, and the Titan Firework Man definitely seems to be worth the effort.

Read More: How to Get Astro Upgraded Titan Cameraman in Toilet Tower Defense

While you wait for another free Fireworks Chest in Roblox Toilet Tower Defense, we suggest checking out the excellent video from NoobBlox below for a visual guide on getting the Titan Firework Man.

Did I make a mistake in this guide? Then please feel free to email me at [email protected] so I can make corrections. Thank you!

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