Need help to obtain the Mega Token in SpongeBob Tower Defense? I'm not surprised. Loads of players are trying to complete The Hunt: Mega Edition in Roblox. And while basic quests are pretty easy, these Mega Tokens are significantly more challenging.
That's because they require you to dig for treasures, solve puzzles, or complete difficult challenges. Follow this step-by-step guide to learn how to get the Mega Token in Spongebob Tower Defense quickly.
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How To Get Hunt Mega Token In Spongebob Tower Defense | Roblox
To begin, you'll need to join The Hunt: Mega Edition lobby in SpongeBob Tower Defense. There are many dig spots scattered across the area, and your goal is to interact with these sites to search for a Treasure Map. The map itself appears randomly, so you will need to keep digging at different spots until you find it.
Now, go to the Trading Zone and board the Flying Dutchman’s ship. After speaking with him, enter the Captain’s Quarters by positioning your character so that you fall through the glass panel leading to the lower level. Next, search between the barrels for a key and use it to unlock the door.
Once you're inside, you'll see a portal that will take you to a Maze. The maze contains multiple pathways—your goal is to locate a hidden door. The placement of the door may be different for each player, so you will need to explore until you find it. It will take you to a special solo Tower Defense minigame.
The next step is to survive until Plankton spawns. Do not place your towers at the front of the map, as the path expands later. Instead, position your towers in the middle-left area near the Flying Dutchman to ensure they cover the expanded path. Use the two most expensive towers for maximum damage output.
Once you beat the minigame, click on "Return to Trading" to go back to the Captain’s Quarters. Now, rejoin the Roblox The Hunt: Mega Edition lobby of SpongeBob Tower Defense and go to the secret cave located on the left-hand side of the area. Enter the tunnel and follow it down the river.
At the bottom of the river, you will come across a platform. Stand on it and use an emote to trigger the next step. Simply walking up to the door will not work—you must perform an emote for it to activate. Once you complete this action, the door will open, revealing the Spongebob Tower Defense Mega Token inside.
And that's all. Now, you can proceed to obtain the Mega Token in Untitled Tag Game and Pressure. I want to thank TheOfficial Fuzion on YouTube for their detailed walkthrough! While you're at it, don't forget to redeem the Cactrot Cactus code in Roblox
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