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Sol's RNG Potions: Recipes, Materials & Effects

Are you looking high and low for potions in Sol's RNG? Let me give you a hand! Here are all the potion recipes and locations in the game!
Sol's RNG Potions: Recipes, Materials & Effects

Looking for the ultimate potions guide in Sol's RNG? You've found it! Find everything you need to become a master brewer by uncovering all the different options available in the game, including their recipe, crafting materials, and effects.

Potions are the keys to unlocking unprecedented power by amplifying your luck or hastening your pursuit. Every roll is a step closer to glory. Ready to explore all the secrets of these magical concoctions? Here's everything to know about potions in Sol's RNG.

Where To Find Potions In Sol's RNG Roblox

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Potions are special items in Sol's RNG that are typically used to boost the odds of finding rare Auras—there are exactly 57 Auras, and using potions can significantly boost your luck, which in turn affects the rarity of the Auras found.

However, potions can also reduce the roll cooldown, enabling you to roll for Auras more frequently and thus have more opportunities to find rare items. There are two main categories of potions in Sol's RNG, which we'll discuss in detail below.

Random Potions

These are found randomly scattered around the game world. You can find them at specific fixed locations within Sol's RNG game world. There are two types of random potions:

  • Lucky Potion: Increases your luck by 100% for 60 seconds.
  • Speed Potion: Decreases your roll cooldown by 25% for 30 seconds.

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Craftable Potions

Craftable potions are only accessible after you complete Stellar's Star quest in Sol's RNG. This will allow you to interact with Stella in the Secret Cave, where you can craft an additional eight potions. Each potion has specific ingredients and effects.

The craftable potions include:

  • Fortune Potions I, II, and III: These potions incrementally increase your luck for a set duration, with each tier offering a greater luck boost and longer effect duration.
  • Haste Potions I and II: These potions reduce your roll cooldown by a certain percentage, allowing for more frequent rolls.
  • Heavenly Potions I and II: These extremely powerful potions massively increase your luck but are limited to affecting just one roll.
  • Universe Potion I: Allows rolling of Starfall-exclusive Auras at normal rates in other biomes.

Pro Tip: Potion stack additively, which means you can increase their effects by consuming more than one potion at a time.

All Craftable Potion Recipes In Sol's RNG Roblox

Each craftable potion in Sol's RNG requires a combination of other potions and specific items (like Lucky Potion, Rare, Uncommon, Gilded, etc.) to be created. The exact recipe depends on the type and tier of the potion you are trying to craft.

Potion Duration Crafting Materials
Fortune Potion I 5 minutes Lucky Potion x5, Rare x5, Uncommon x1, Gilded x1
Fortune Potion II 7 minutes Fortune Potion I x1, Lucky Potion x10, Rare x10, Uncommon x5, Gilded x2
Fortune Potion III 10 minutes Fortune Potion II x1, Lucky Potion x15, Rare x15, Uncommon x10, Gilded x5
Haste Potion I 3 minutes Speed Potion x10, Rare x10, Uncommon x5, Wind x1
Haste Potion II 5 minutes Haste Potion I x1, Speed Potion x10, Rare x15, Uncommon x10, Wind x2
Heavenly Potion I One roll Lucky Potion x100, Divinus x50, Gilded x20, Celestial x1
Heavenly Potion II One roll Heavenly Potion I x2, Lucky Potion x125, Divinus x75, Gilded x50, Exotic x1
Universe Potion I 10 minutes Lucky Potion x10, Rare x15, Comet x2

And that's everything to know about Sol's RNG potions, including how to find and craft them. Did you spot something that isn't quite right? No stress—drop me a message on [email protected] and I'll be sure to correct it.