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Shinobi Lineage Clan Tier List: Best Clans Ranked

What is the best clan to join in Shinobi Lineage? Find out by exploring our tier list!
Shinobi Lineage Clan Tier List: Best Clans Ranked
Madman Entertainment / Viz Media

What is the best clan in Shinobi Lineage? That's an excellent question! With a dozen clans to choose from, it's understandable if you feel a bit overwhelmed. After all, choosing your affiliation is an important decision that will ultimately shape your journey in the ninja world.

This guide will list all the best clans in Roblox Shinobi Lineage to help you make the best possible decision. While certain races are rarer, they are not inherently better—so you'll definitely want to be clued in on which clans to choose. So, what are you waiting for? Let's get started!

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Shinobi Lineage Clan Tier List: All Clans Ranked From Best To Worst

The table below ranks every clan in Shinobi Lineage from best to worst. Not convinced by these ratings? That's totally okay. If you disagree or want to improve these tier rankings, just drop me an email at [email protected] with your reasoning, and I'll gladly edit it if I agree with you.

Tier Clan and Rarity
S-Tier (excellent) Otsusuki (1%), Senju (4%), Hoshigaki (30%)
A-Tier (good) Uzumaki (4%), Uchiha (4%), Karatachi (30%)
B-Tier (average) Hyuga (30%), Kazesuna (30%)
C-Tier (poor) Oribe (30%), Rai (30%)
D-Tier (not worth mentioning) Miyajima (30%)
F-Tier (dog sh*t) Yuki (30%)

Editor's Comment: Please note that this tier list is based on the author's opinions. As such, these rankings might differ wildly based on your personal play style, skill level, and preference.

And that concludes our Shinobi Lineage clan tier list. But why stop there? Learn how to use warp without dying or discover the location of every clan trainer in the game! If that doesn't tickle your fancy, then you might want to check out some of my code pages for these other Roblox games:

Bladers: RebirthDeath Ball, Jujutsu Chronicles, Anime Champions Simulator, Haze Piece, Peroxide, TYPE SOUL, Anime Fighters, Project Slayers, Roblox King Legacy, Murder Mystery 2, Adopt Me, Love Nikki, Anime Dimensions, Shindo Life, All-Star Tower Defense, or Skibi Toilet Tower Defense.