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How To Unlock Shamrock Rod In Fisch

Find out how to get the Shamrock Rod in Fisch by completing Clover McRich's quest.
How To Unlock Shamrock Rod In Fisch

The Shamrock Rod is an event-exclusive fishing rod in Fisch, offering a +150% Luck bonus to struggling anglers. As part of the latest update, this rod is more of a collector's item and doesn't really offer any sizeable bonuses for its class. That being said, it's relatively simple to obtain and doesn't require much effort.

This guide will explain how to unlock the Shamrock Rod in Fisch.

How To Unlock The Shamrock Rod In Fisch | Roblox

To get the Shamrock Rod in Fisch, you need to complete Clover McRich's quest. I've already covered this in detail but basically you need to rescue all five of his brothers, who have been turned into rainbow-colored fish. They can only be caught from Lucky Event pools, which spawn randomly in the sea.

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Complete the St Patricks Day quest to unlock the Shamrock Rod.

What Is The Shamrock Rod Stats In Fisch? | Roblox

The Shamrock Rod has pretty shoddy stats in Fisch. The in-game description reads: “Surely the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow is real... Right?.” Here's a closer look:

  • Lure Speed: +25%
  • Luck: +150%
  • Control: +0.15
  • Resilience: +10%
  • Max Kg: 5000 kg

You can boost the rod's stats by equipping the Hasty enchant to increase the catch rate or Invincible enchant so you can catch fish in special locations like the Roslit Volcano or Brine Pool.

Is The Shamrock Rod Worth It In Fisch? | Roblox

Not really. I mean, it might be decent for early game players but I don't think it's that great for mid-late gamers. It only offers a 25% Lure Speed and 150% Luck bonus, which definitely isn't anywhere near as good as rods like Trident Rod or No-Life Rod. However, it does also grant a 10% chance to find Clover mutations.

And that’s everything you need to know about unlocking the Shamrack Rod in Fisch!

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