While Second Piece draws its primary inspiration from the renowned anime One Piece, it also takes cues from various other anime, such as Fairy Tail. Specifically, the game features a specialization centered around fire magic called the Fire Dragon Magic spec, inspired by Natsu Dragneel's combat style from Fairy Tail.
If you're keen on acquiring this specialization and understanding the abilities it provides, you're in the right place. Keep reading to discover how to obtain Natsu's spec and its corresponding abilities in Second Piece.
How To Get The Natsu Spec in Second Piece
The Natsu Fire Dragon Magic Spec can be acquired by defeating the Natsu boss himself. To locate him, head to the First Sea and make your way towards the Forgotten Isle, where you'll face the formidable Natsu Boss.
This boss respawns every 10 minutes after defeat and holds a 6% chance of dropping the Fire Dragon Magic. Natsu is formidable at level 3500, so prepare for a challenging battle if you're below his level.
After defeating him a sufficient number of times, he will eventually drop the Fire Dragon Magic Spec. Equipping it will grant you brand-new abilities, which we'll cover in the next section.
Natsu Spec Abilities in Second Piece
Equipping the Natsu spec will provide you with three potent fire abilities, each tailored for specific situations and highly effective in their own right. These abilities include:
- Z Move: Unleashes a flaming punch, damaging targets in a cone in front of the user and inflicting a burning effect.
- X Move: Initiates a fire-breathing attack, dealing damage in a line and causing targets to burn upon impact.
- C Move: The user stomps the ground, causing damage in a large circular area around them and knocking enemies into the air.
Now that you have a comprehensive understanding of how to obtain the Natsu spec and its abilities in Second Piece, stay updated with the latest news, guides, and more by following our dedicated Roblox section.