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Royale High Piano Sheets (Virtual Piano)

Do you consider yourself a bit of a musical prodigy? Show off your skills with this piano sheet music in Royale High Roblox!
Royale High Piano Sheets (Virtual Piano)
Reddit / RoyaleHigh_Roblox

Are you looking for Royale High piano sheets? You're in the right spot! Pianos are more than mere decorations in the game, offering an opportunity for you to engage with music through a simple yet ingenious system from within Roblox.

By transforming your computer keyboard into a musical instrument, you can play songs, impress friends, and add a melodious touch to your Royale High experience. Here's everything to know about pianos in the game, including a few piano sheets to try out!

Where Can I Find Pianos In Royale High?

You can find pianos in quite a few locations in Royale High. Some of these include Diamond Beach, Divinia Park, Apartment Lobby, Earth, Christmas Town, and Royale High City. You can also find pianos in the dormitories of both old and new campuses!

Understanding the Piano key layout

Now, your next question might be, "Well, how does the piano in Royale High work?" The answer is quite straightforward. Essentially, your computer keyboard will transform into a virtual piano, with each key corresponding to a different piano note that extends across the musical scale.

Natural Notes

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 Q W E R T Y U I O P A S D F G H J K L Z X C V B N M correspond to the notes C2 D2 E2 F2 G2 A2 B2 C3 D3 E3 F3 G3 A3 B3 C4 D4 E4 F4 G4 A4 B4 C5 D5 E5 F5 G5 A5 B5 C6 D6 E6 F6 G6 A6 B6 C7.

Sharp Notes

Additionally, sharp notes are represented by a combination of symbols and uppercase letters:

! @ $ % ^ * ( Q W E T Y I O P S D G H J L Z C V B correspond to the sharp notes C#2 D#2 F#2 G#2 A#2 C#3 D#3 F#3 G#3 A#3 C#4 D#4 F#4 G#4 A#4 C#5 D#5 F#5 G#5 A#5 C#6 D#6 F#6 G#6 A#6.

piano music royale high

Royale High Virtual Piano Sheets

To play a song on the piano in Royale High, you simply press the keys on your keyboard that correspond to the desired notes. Here are a few examples of simple songs and their corresponding keys:

Twinkle Twinkle Little Star

  • t t o o p p o | i i u u y y t | o o i i u u y | o o i i u u y | t t o o p p o | i i u u y y t

Mary Had a Little Lamb

  • a p o p a a a | p p p | a d d | a p o p a a a | a p p a p o

Happy Birthday

  • s s d | s | g | f | s s d | s | h | g | s s l | j | g | f | d | J J j | g | h | g 

Here are a few examples of more advanced songs and their corresponding keys:

Matilda (Harry Styles)

Note: Keys in square brackets need to be pressed together at the same time.

8 wrt 8 f 8 a 8
4 wrt q a q o q
5 wrt w f w a w
4 wrt q a q o q
1 wrt 8 f 8 a 8
4 wrt q a q o q
5 wrt w f w a w
4 wrt q [8f]||
1 [8o] [0s] [wp] u [wo] [ts] [wp]
4 [8o] [qs] [8p] e [8o] [qs] [8p]
5 [9o] w [9o] ri[9u] w 9
4 8 q 8 e 8 q 8
1 [8o] [0s] [wp] u [wo] [ts] [wp]
4 [8o] [qs] [8p] e [8o] [qs] [8p]
5 [9o] w [9o] ri[9u] w 9
4 8 q 8 e 8 q 8
[1d] [8f]f0d[wd] [us]swa[ta] [wp]p
4o[8o] q [8u] [eo] 8oq [8u]
[5p] 9uw [9u] [ro] 9 w 9
4 8 q 8 e 8 q 8
1 [8o] [0s] [wp] u [wo] [ts] [wp]
4 [8o] [qs] [8p] e [8o] [qs] [8p]
5 [9o] w [9o] ri[9u] w 9
[1y] [8u] [0u]ywuu w t w
[4y] [8u] [qu]o8ie [8u] [qt] [8y]
[5y]u9u[wy] [9u] r 9 w 9y
[4y] [8u] [qu]o8ie [8u] [qt] [8y]
[1y]u8u[0y] [wu] u w t wy
[4y] [8u] [qu]o8ie [8u] q [8t]
[5s] [9p] w [9o] [rp] 9tw [9t]
4r[8e] q 8 e [8t] [qy] [8u]
1 wrt 8 f 8 a 8
4 wrt q a q o q
5 wrt w f w a w
4 wrt q a q o|
1 8 [0s] [wp] u [wo] [ts] [wp]
4 [8o] [qs] [8p] e [8o] [qs] [8p]
5 [9o] w [9o] ri[9u] w 9
4 8 q 8 e 8 q 8
1 [8o] [0s] [wp] u [wo] [ts] [wp]
4 [8o] [qs] [8p] e [8o] [qs] [8p]
5 [9o] w [9o] [rp] 9 w [9o]i
[4u] 8 q 8 e 8 q 8
[1d] [8f]f0d[wd] [us]swa[ta] [wp]p
4o[8o] q [8u] [eo] 8oq [8u]
[5p] 9uw [9u] [ro] 9 w 9
4 8 q 8 e 8 q 8
1 8 [0s] [wp] u [wo] [ts] [wp]
4 [8o] [qs] [8p] e [8o] [qs] [8p]
5 [9o] w [9o] ri[9u] w 9
[1y] [8u] [0u]y u||
[4y] [8u] [qu]o i u t y
[5y]u9u[wy] u||y
[4y] [8u] [qu]o i u t y
[1y]u8u[0y] u||y
[4y] [8u] [qu]o i u|t
[5s] [9p] w o p t t
[1y] [8u] [0u]ywuu w t w
[4y] [8u] [qu]o8ie [8u] [qt] [8y]
[5y]u9u[wy] [9u] r 9 w 9y
[4y] [8u] [qu]o8ie [8u] [qt] [8y]
[1y]u8u[0y] [wu] u w t wy
[4y] [8u] [qu]o8ie [8u] q [8t]
[5s] [9p] w [9o] [rp] 9tw [9t]
4r[8e] q 8 e 8 q 8
[qu]||p p o
p o u u o u
[qu]||s s p
s s p s d d
[8f]||h f||
8 [wf] [th]|f
f h|f
d s p
[8o]||0 w t
[0s] d||f d
[uf] [ig] [uf] [yd]|[ts]|o
[uf] [ig] [uf] [yd]|[ts]|h
[ql] k j h|f|d
[8f]| d|s|o
[0y] u uy u||
y u uo i u t y
[8y]u uy u||
[0y] u uo i u t y
[0y]u uy u||y
y u uo i u|t
[8s] p|o p t t
[0y] u uy u||
y u uo i u t y
[8y]u uy u||
[0y] u uo i u t y
[0y]u uy u||y
[0y] u uo i u t|

What I Was Made For (Billie Eilish)

a s u o||
a s u o i |
a s u o||
a s u o i|
y u i i|u

He's A Pirate (Pirate's of the Caribbean) via Klaus Badelt

e ee ee eeeee ee ee eeeee ee ee ee0we e ert t tyr r ewwe|
0we e ert t tyr r ewe|
0we e ety y yui i uyue|
ert t y ue|etr r ter|
0we e ert t tyr r ewwe|
0we e ert t tyr r ewe|
0we e ety y yui i uyue|
ert t y ue|
etr r ewe e r t t y u|
te0| i| t q| u| i u|
u u u iu| y y y yu| u u u iu|
y t r e| ert|yu y t r t y u y| tyu|
yt r t r e|rw e| ert|
rt y t y u y t e|
ert y u i e y t|yr e|rw
u| i| u u u uy|
y| t| r t r e|
u| i| u u u uy|
y| t| r t r e

Got a knack for creating piano sheets? Want to share your musical genius with fellow Royale High players? I'd love to see your work! Email me your work at [email protected] and I'll feature your compositions on this page!

royale high piano sheet

Where Can I Find More Virtual Piano Sheets In Royale High?

For more sheet music to play on Royale High's pianos, the website virtualpiano.net is an excellent resource. It offers a wide range of scores (songs) with corresponding keynotes. Additionally, the Royale High forums are fantastic places to find user-shared sheet music and tips.

These platforms are ideal for players looking to expand their repertoire and share their musical experiences with others in the game. However, you'll want to practice the layout of the keyboard to familiarize yourself with the note placement.

And that's everything to know about pianos in Royale High. Remember to start with simple songs and gradually try more complex ones as you get comfortable. Over time, you'll become a maestro of the Royale High pianos.