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Roblox Rivals Weapon Tier List: Best Weapons Ranked

Find out what is the strongest weapon to use in Roblox Rivals right here!
Roblox Rivals Weapon Tier List: Best Weapons Ranked

What is the best weapon in Roblox Rivals? Great question. With so many options available in the game, it's natural for you to be a bit stumped about deciding which weapons you should use. But that's where I come in. I've done all the hard work by ranking every gun, melee, and utility from best to worst in Roblox Rivals. Let's get started!

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What Is The Best Weapon In Roblox Rivals?

While it's hard to narrow down the overall best weapon in Roblox Rivals, there are a few standout options. First is the Burst Rifle, primarily because it deals a sh*t load of damage. The burst-fire mode can chip away huge chunks of your enemy's health quite fast, making it especially useful in medium-range combat.

Another great option is the Assault Rifle. This gun is particularly good for beginner players in Roblox Rivals because it does good damage, has a fast reload time, and has great range. It's a reliable weapon that, quite simply, won't let you down!

Last but not least is the Paintball Gun. This weapon in Roblox Rivals is particularly powerful because it can splatter your enemy's screen with paint, making it difficult for them to see. Beyond this, it also deals a considerable amount of damage, especially with headshots.

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Roblox Rivals Gun Tier List: Every Weapon Ranked From Best To Worst

Here's a tier list ranking every weapon in Roblox Rivals from best to worst. As you might already know, weapons are classified into Primary, Secondary, Melee, and Utility categories. And guess what? I've ranked them all. To unlock weapons, you'll need to earn or purchase keys.

These can be obtained by completing daily tasks, weapon contracts, or other in-game challenges. Of course, you can always buy keys with Robux—but that involves spending real money (which not everybody can afford). Having said that, some weapons are free to use or can be unlocked during special events.

Tier Weapon & Utilities
S-Tier (excellent) Paintball Gun, Assault Rifle, Burst, Uzi, Scythe, Katana, Medkit
A-Tier (very good) Revolver, Sniper Rifle, Ray Gun, Chainsaw, Molotov
B-Tier (balanced) Shorty, Sling Shot, Shotgun, Mini Gun, Grenade, Subspace Tripmine
C-Tier (okay) RPG, Pistol, Flare Gun, Fists, Trowel, Flashbang
D-Tier (really bad) Grenade Launcher, Flamethrower, Knife, Freeze Ray, Smoke Grenade

Editor's Comment: Please note that this tier list is based on the author's opinions. As such, these rankings might differ wildly based on your personal play style, skill level, and preference. If you're not convinced by these ratings, get in touch with me with your suggestions!

Did I make a mistake? Please let me know by emailing me at [email protected] so I can fix it. Thank you!

And that concludes my Roblox Rivals weapon tier list. Don't forget to check out some of my other Roblox guides — Bladers: RebirthDeath Ball, Jujutsu Chronicles, Anime Champions Simulator, Haze Piece, Peroxide, TYPE SOUL, Anime Fighters, Project Slayers, Roblox King Legacy, Murder Mystery 2, Adopt Me, Love Nikki, Anime Dimensions, Shindo Life, All-Star Tower Defense, or Skibi Toilet Tower Defense.