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All Shiny Relic Locations In Pet Simulator 99

Want to supercharge your chance of getting shiny pets? Here are all the Shiny Relic locations in Pet Simulator 99!
All Shiny Relic Locations In Pet Simulator 99
BIG Games / Pet Simulator 99

Want to know how to find all Shiny Relics in Pet Simulator 99? You're in luck! This guide will detail the locations of all of these elusive hidden collectibles so you can supercharge your chance of finding a shiny pet in this newest Roblox game.

While these rare pets are great additions to your digital companion collection, they are also worth a lot more diamonds during trading. That said, you'll definitely want to know all the Shiny Relic locations in Pet Simulator 99! And that's where we come in!

Updated on 21 September 2024: I will update this page when I can but you can expect new shiny relics to release today. Thanks to everybody who helped me find them. If you find any I missed, just drop me a message with a screenshot of their location and the area number at [email protected] 🤗

How To Find All Shiny Relics In Pet Simulator 99

Yes, I painstakingly made a table detailing every single Shiny Relic location in Pet Simulator 99. Now, most of these collectibles should be fairly easy to find. However, that's assuming you've unlocked the different zones where they're located.

If not, you still have a bit of grinding to do! Nevertheless, here is our table detailing where to find all the Shiny Relics in Pet Simulator 99. I would have loved to add images to help, but it would have taken far too long—I hope my instructions are good enough!

World 1 Shiny Relics

World 1 (Starter World) Shiny Relics

# Shiny Relic Location Zone 
1 Behind a bush by the orange building adjacent to the golden fountain. Zone 1 
2 You can find a Shiny Relic right behind the Social Rewards chest. Zone 1 
3 Next to the purple flower opposite the Pet Box and The Index. Zone 1 
4 Behind the tree next to the Diamond Chest (opposite the Castle). Zone 3
5 Behind the portal to the Classic Obby. Zone 5
6 You can find a Pet Simulator 99 Shiny Relic by the Potions vending machine. Zone 6
7 In a basket directly opposite the red barn (by the stacks of hay). Zone 7
8 In a crack in the wall. Look at the wall directly opposite the Egg Machine by the roses. Zone 8
9 You can find another Shiny Relic floating in the pond next to the Enchants vending machine. Zone 9
10 Hidden in a bush on the right-hand side immediately as you enter the area. Zone 12
11 There's a Shiny relic on one of the gravestones by the cemetery. Zone 13
12 Behind a gravestone near the Upgrade Potions cauldron. Zone 13
13 Behind a tree on the left immediately as you enter the zone. Zone 15
14 Inside a log to the left of the big tree (i.e., the one that looks like there's a door on it). Zone 15
15 There's a Shiny Relic in Pet Simulator 99 on top of the jungle shrine thingy (jump to find it). Zone 18
16 Inside the blue bucket behind the Daycare. Zone 20
17 Inside the blue bucket next to the palm tree on the right-hand side of the previous Relic. Zone 20
18 Underwater inside one of the yellow corals on the right. Zone 21
19 On the pillar to the left of the sunken Atlantis building (swim to the surface to see it) Zone 22
20 Behind a rock inside the Atlantis "Swim With The Fishes" mini-game. You'll see the Shiny Relic as soon as you spawn inside the game—right by the portal. Zone 24
21 Above the tunnel entrance (to the left of the Area 25 barrier) Zone 24
22 There's another Shiny Relic located inside the tunnel wall in Pet Simulator 99. Zone 24
23 Behind the totem pole to the left of the golden Rebirth statue thingy. Zone 25
24 There's one by the gold pile under the palm tree on the left (just as you enter the area). Zone 26
25 There's another Shiny Relic by the gold pile nearest to the Fruits II chest. Zone 26
26 Behind the little starfish nearest to the Fishing Merchant in the "Fishing" mini-game. Zone 27
27 Inside the boat nearest to the portal to the "Fishing" mini-game. Zone 27
28 Behind the dinosaur skeleton thingy to the right of the Digsite portal. Zone 30
29 Inside a crate behind the skeleton of the "Digging" mini-game (the one right at the back). Zone 30
30 Behind the cactus to the right of the Pyramid Obby portal. Zone 31
31 There's a Shiny Relic location hidden inside the saloon building's window (the one near the back of the zone, on the right).  Zone 33
32 On a rock inside the canyon on the right (watch your step!) Zone 34
33 On a tree near the back of the zone (on the left). Zone 36
34 On top of the roof of the house right next to the "Lucky Egg" sign. Zone 37
35 Behind the building nearest to the entrance of the zone (adjacent to the tree covered in snow). Zone 37
36 By the snowman opposite the Advanced Merchant stand (near the back of the area). Zone 39
37 Behind the little house to the left of the ski lift (i.e., the one directly opposite the ice chests). Zone 40
38 You'll find a Pet Simulator 99 Shiny Relic inside the water of the hot spring (on the left). Zone 41
39 Inside the glacier on the left (it's not very hard to miss). Zone 42
40 Inside the lava on the right, immediately after you enter the area. Zone 43
41 Behind the rock that's directly opposite the Comet Shower. Zone 44
42 Inside the lava to the left of the Chest Rush. Zone 45
43 There's another Shiny Relic in Pet Simulator 99 hidden in the dinosaur's mouth in the lava (on the left, immediately as you enter the area). Zone 46
44 Behind the wall to the left of the Rare Potions vending machine (look inside the lava). Zone 47
45 On top of the red archways—or Japanese torii gates (yep, that's what they're called). Zone 50
46 Behind the pillar on the right of the golden Rebirth statue. Zone 50
47 There's a Shiny Relic behind the tree to the right of the Trading Terminal in the Trading Plaza. You'll need to get a Castle Key to access this area, which is earned by doing at least one Rebirth in Pet Simulator 99. Trading Plaza
48 Behind the fan art poster (opposite the Social Rewards chest). Trading Plaza
49 Underneath the bridge by the VIP Only portal. Trading Plaza
50 The next Shiny Relic in Pet Simulator 99 is hidden at the very end of the Jungle Obby. (Zone 18). Start the lobby and go into the rewards room. If you look behind a pillar, you'll find a secret tunnel that leads to the last one! You're welcome. Zone 18

There's another Shiny Relic hidden on the left-hand side of the Dojo (immediately after you enter the area). As you walk in, turn left, and you'll find it between the wall of the building and the cliff.

Zone 51
52 There's a Shiny Relic inside the pink house directly behind the Rainbow Fruit Machine. Zone 52
53 Look behind the Clan Banner in the Royal Kingdom area. Zone 56
54 Go inside the Flower Garden and then turn right. You'll see the Shiny Relic behind the rock opposite the greenhouse (the glass building, lol). This one is pretty easy to find. Zone 53

The last Shiny Relic on the side of the Fairy Castle. You can't get inside the castle, but if you jump on the rocks along the right-hand side of the building, you'll see a little hiding place.

Zone 58

Behind one of the group of houses right at the back (the middle house).

Area 59

You can find a Shiny Relic right behind the Snow Merchant (look behind the snow pile on the right)

Area 63

There's a Shiny Relic opposite the vending machine on the left, directly behind the tree by the frozen statue.

Area 64 
59 Look behind the houses on the left as you enter the area. Go right to the top and look behind the snowman on the left. Area 65
60 Behind the middle part of the train (thanks, FillDim) Area 67
61 There's a Shiny Relic in the window behind the little house in Firefly Cold Forest. Area 68
62 Look on top of one of the pillars (thanks, FillDim) Area 71
63 Behind one of the pillars (thanks, FillDim) Area 72
64 Look by the waterfall just left of the castle (thanks, FillDim) Area 73
65 There's another Shiny Relic at the Graveyard (thanks, FillDim) Area 74
66 There's a Shiny Relic on the stack of rocks to the right of the Rebirth 3 statue. Area 75
67 Look in the window of the haunted mansion. Area 77
68 There's a Shiny Relic hidden in the corner on the right by the Dungeon gate (just before the Free Diamonds pile) Area 78
69 By the wall on the right-hand side inside the Advanced Digsite. Area 79
70 Look behind the skull flag to the left of the corner. You need to tilt your camera to see it properly because it's extremely well-hidden Area 79
71 There's a Shiny Relic behind the first chest to the right immediately after you enter the area. Area 80
72 Look at the wall on the right Area 81
73 In the blue tree on the left immediately as you enter the area. Area 83
74 Go up the ladder. There's a Relic on top of the orange tree. Area 84
75 On the left-hand side of the area behind the waterfall Area 85
76 Right inside the area to the right on the ice cream tree Area 86
77 Inside Lucky Block to the back left of the area Area 87
78 Behind the structure to the left of the entrance to the Lucky Blocks minigame Area 87
79 Inside the orange booth to the left of the carousel or spin wheel Area 88
80 Inside the middle red booth to the right  Area 89
81 To the right of the area behind the column  Area 91
82 Inside the new Fishing minigame Area 92
83 On top of the roof of the house on the left. Area 93
84 Behind the gate to the left of the chest  Area 95
85 To the right of the entrance on the side of the building Area 97
World 2 Shiny Relics

World 2 (Tech World) Shiny Relics

86 Against the wall to the left of The Index. Area 100
87 Next to the pink tree that's directly above the Warp Portal. Area 102
88 There's a Shiny Relic behind the barrel of hay on the right, next to the robotic farmhouse. Area 103
89 In the water on the left as you enter the area. Area 104
90 In the back corner on the right on the branch of the yellow tree (left of the Warp Portal). Area 106
91 Look behind the grass on the left-hand side of the room. Area 108
92 There's a Shiny Relic on the tree to the right. Area 109
93 Look behind the tree to the left of the Weekly Quests. Area 111
94 There's a Relic in between the rocks in the top-right corner of the area. Area 112
95 When you're at Free Potions, swim up, and you'll find another Shiny Relic inside the yellow coral near the surface. Area 113
96 Look on top of the pillar by the shipwreck on the right. Area 114
97 There's another Shiny Relic hidden behind the shipwreck on the left. Area 114
98 Behind "The Water Hole" sign on top of the house on the left. Area 119
99 In between the ice slightly left of the Free Enchant chest. Area 122
100 Look on the wall on the right of the area. Area 123
101 In the ice on the left as you enter the area. Area 126
102 Look on the wall on the right, behind the Warp Portal. Area 128
103 Inside one of the ticket booths. Area 129
104 There's a Shiny Relic inside the drain on the left. Area 131
105 Behind the rock in the top-left corner of the area, just before the next area. Area 132
106 Next to the rocket on the launch pad on the right. Area 133
107 Look behind the big satellite dish on the left (thanks, Rachel). Area 135
108 On top of the rock behind the satellite dish on the right (thanks, Smiley). Area 137
109 Inside the Comet in the top left (thanks, Smiley). Area 138
110 Look behind the blue plant directly behind the Adventurer Store Area 140
111 Look inside the safe behind the Warp Portal on the left. Area 142
112 Look behind the pipe in the top right corner (thanks, Smiley). Area 144
113 There's a Shiny Relic on top of the switch to the left of the Exclusive Daycare. Area 145
114 Climb up the wall on the left and then jump onto the green plant. The purple UFO nearest the next area has a Shiny Relic hidden inside (thanks, Smiley). Area 147
115 Inside the cupboard on the right. Area 149
116 Look behind the vent on the right immediately as you enter the area. Area 151
117 On the satellite dish directly behind the warp portal. Area 153
118 Look inside the rotating gear to the left of the Enchants vending machine. Area 155
119 There's a Shiny Relic behind the rock by the Free Items. Area 157
120 In the window directly behind the Treasure Hideout minigame Area 159
121 Look inside the castle to the right as you enter the area. Area 160
122 Look behind the rock to the right of the Colosseum thing. Area 161
123 There's a Shiny Relic on the rock to the right. You can't miss it. Area 162
124 Check between the middle wall on the right as you enter. Area 164
125 Next to the tree in the top left corner (right before the next area). Area 165
126 Next to the tunnel on the right. Area 168
127 There's a Shiny Relic next to the front door of the house on the right. Area 169
128 Inside the window of the house nearest the next area on the right. Area 171
129 Up the ramp on the right opposite the Free Enchants. Area 172
130 Inside the pile of gold on the left after you enter the area. Area 173
131 Inside the power plant on the right. Area 176
132 Behind the rock on the left. Area 181
133 There's a Shiny Relic to the left of the Castle door. Area 182
134 Look behind the purple wall on the left. Area 184
135 Behind the large satellite to the right of the Free Potions. Area 185
136 On top of the tower closest to the next area. Area 185
137 Inside the metal pillar in the top right corner of the zone. Area 186
138 To the right of the Warp Portal on the wall. Area 188
139 Looking behind the tree on the left. Area 189
140 There's a Shiny Relic above the door in the top right. Area 192
141 On the floating black block on the left. Area 193
142 Inside the pink tree on the left. Area 194
143 By the rocket ship to the right of the Free Diamonds. Area 195
144 Behind the first building on the right after you enter the zone. Area 197
145 There's a Shiny Relic stuck in one of the floating ice shards on the right. Area 198
World 3 Shiny Relics

World 3 (Prison World) Shiny Relics

146 Right next to the Prison World cannon. Void World
147 Right next to the Rainbow Pets machine. Void World
148 On the side of the building on the right (if you're facing the next area) Area 200
149 Behind the pillar on the left, immediately after you enter the area Area 201
150 Next to the bench on the left closest to the next area Area 203
151 By the wall closest to the basketball court on the right. Area 203
152 Look between the pillar and the palm tree in the left corner of the zone near the back (thanks, Brandon K). Area 205
153 As you enter the area, you will find a Shiny Relic between the purple coral and the oyster on the left (thanks, Jason G.) Area 206
154 As you enter the area, check behind one of the houses on the right (thanks, Jason G.) Area 207
155 Look to the right of the second house just below the cliff (thanks, Jason G.) Area 207
156 There's a Shiny Relic inside the shipwreck on the right (thanks, Brandon K). Area 209
157 You will find another Shiny Relic behind the shipwreck (thanks, Brandon K.) Area 209
158 Behind the wall to the right behind the Hacker Chest (thanks Jason G.) Area 210
159 Check behind the pillar to the right by the Free Potions  (thanks Jason G.) Area 212
160 Behind the wall by the Egg  (thanks Jason G.) Area 213
161 Look behind the pillar to the left of the Egg  (thanks Jason G.) Area 214
162 There's a Shiny Relic behind the house on the right as you enter the area (thanks, ZeraphimZer0). Area 215
163 Look next to the stones to the right of the Egg (thanks, ZeraphimZer0). Area 216
164 On the left side of the mansion, directly behind Preston (thanks, ZeraphimZer0). Area 218
165 There's a Shiny Relic on the right side of the mansion. It's quite well hidden, so be sure to look between the pillars (thanks, ZeraphimZer0). Area 219
166 Look in the window sill on the left after you enter the area. Area 220
167 Behind the rock on the right side of the pink house, next to the egg. Area 221
168 In the wall to the left of the egg. Area 222
169 Behind the chocolate bar on the right side of the zone. Area 223
Thank you to my readers for their help

A special thank you goes out to John A., Pamnertterville, Brandon K, Jason G, GlitchFromTDS, Nathan R., Kmj, Smiley473007, Rachel A., Stephanie, Yona, ErPabuls, Jimmy A, Fyriano Z, and the Duncans for helping me find them–you are all awesome. I really have such incredible readers. Thank you!

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