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How To Get Hacker Keys In Pet Simulator 99

Need help on where to find Hacker Keys in Pet Simulator 99? Find everything you need to know right here!
How To Get Hacker Keys In Pet Simulator 99
BIG Games / Pet Simulator 99
Update on 15 June 2024: You can also get Hacker Keys in the Virus Event in Pet Simulator 99. It offers a more reliable method to find them. Don't sleep on this opportunity!

Want to know all the Hacker Key locations in Pet Simulator 99? You're in the right place! Finding these keys isn't for the faint-hearted! They're scattered across the game like breadcrumbs in a forest, just waiting for someone like you to find them. But where to look?!

Well, I'll give you a hint: they're not just lying around in plain sight. Instead, they're quite hard to find. But don't worry because I won't leave you hanging like a cat on a clothesline. In this guide, I'll explain exactly where to find Hacker Keys in Pet Simulator 99. 

How To Find Hacker Keys In Pet Simulator 99

It might seem impossible to find, but you can actually find Hacker Keys in all the biomes of Pet Simulator 99. However, they just have a very low drop rate and tend to appear more frequently in the Hacker World zones. The most important thing you need to know is that these keys drop RANDOMLY by destroying breakables.

You also cannot get Hacker Keys via the Trading Plaza. Anybody claiming to trade you them for Diamonds is LYING. Don't trust them! Beyond this, you won't them in the Exclusive Shop either, unless it's in the Hacker Pack. But don't worry! There is some good news.

hacker world pet sim 99

You can actually boost your chances of finding Hacker Keys in Pet Simulator 99 by using the Key Area Surge (2.5X boost) or by tweaking your Enchant build. Otherwise, just ensure you have a few friends online while you grind the zones. The Hacker Key drop rate will increase by 10% for every friend online (max: 30%).

Once you've found a key, you can use it to open the Hacker Chest. This will give you a chance to score HUGE Hacker Axolotl and Hacker Enchant! The Hacker Keys are very similar to the Prison Keys in the previous update, and I suspect we're going to get even more keys in the future.

And that's it! Just grind the best area and hope (and pray) that you find a Hacker Key in Pet Simulator 99. By the way, do you prefer these shorter guides? They're quite punchy, hey?! I figured you might find them more useful as it cuts out all the crap and gets straight to the point.

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