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How To Get & Use Pet Handler Pro Certificate in Adopt Me

We explain how you can get the Pet Handler Pro Certificate in Adopt Me, what it can be used for, and how long the buff lasts.
How To Get & Use Pet Handler Pro Certificate in Adopt Me
Uplift Games

With a big new Roblox Adopt Me update, ushering in the Hummingbirds, developer Uplift Games has listened to community feedback and made the Pet Handler Pro Certificate item available. Everyone and their Glormy Leo will want to get their hands on this brand-new item, and we've got you covered!

Read More: Adopt Me Hummingbird Types & How To Get Golden Flower

Take a seat, and let's discuss how you can get the exciting Pet Handler Pro Certificate in Adopt Me, its time limit, and what happens when you use one.

How To Get a Pet Handler Pro Certificate in Adopt Me

Adopt Me Pet Handler Pro Certificate price cost how to get trade use
Use the Pet Handler Pro Certificate to equip two pets at once in Adopt Me, and earn more Bucks in the process. (Picture: Uplift Games)

Developer Uplift Games has made some welcome changes to the game in the Galactic Pass week 3 update. Specifically, there's now more than one way to equip two pets at once in Adopt Me. 

Previously, only those who had a Pets Plus+ subscription service could equip two pets at once, which was an automatic feature of the subscription that costs $2.99 per month. With the recent update, the developers have released the Pet Handler Pro Certificate, which allows Adopt Me players to equip two pets at once. 

You get a Pet Handler Pro Certificate each month if you are an Adopt Me Pets Plus+ subscriber. However, you can now also purchase one for 250 Robux. You don't need a subscription to use two pets simultaneously, and you get the Bucks cap increase as well. It is important to note that no other Pets Plus+ subscription perks are included.

The Pet Handler Pro Certificate remains active for 30 Days.

Using or Trading Pet Handler Pro Certificate

You will have to activate your Pet Handler Pro Certificate in order to make use of two pets at once. Once used via your inventory, you have 30 days of using two pets simultaneously. The good news is that you can also trade the Pet Handler Pro Certificate with other players for some fancy pets if you don't plan on using it. Yes, to be clear, the Pet Handler Pro Certificate in Adopt Me is tradeable.

Read More: Adopt Me Singularity Pisces: How To Unlock Space Fish

In case you've been stuck in Sean's spaceship and missed it, check out Uplift Games' Jesse explaining the changes to the Pets Plus+ subscription service and the Pet Handler Pro Certificate's release via the video below.

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