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How To Get Okarun Spec In Sakura Stand

Here is how you can get Okarun spec in Sakura Stand winter update.
How To Get Okarun Spec In Sakura Stand
Picture: GINX

Sakura Stand Winter update has brought five new specs including Hie Hie no mi, Okarun, Soul Of Cinders, and Nokotan. Among these, Okarun is the hardest spec to get as you will have to complete an entire questline for it. Thus, here is a complete guide to unlocking Okarun in Sakura Stand.

Okarun Obtainment Guide In Sakura Stand

Go to the tunnel and enter the cave.
Go to the tunnel and enter the cave. (Picture: GINX)

The very first thing that you need to do is go to the Tunnel Entrance located near Sukuna. Enter the cave and talk to Turbo Granny and accept the quest.

Talk to Turbo Granny NPC.
Talk to Turbo Granny NPC. (Picture: GINX)

The NPC will task you to kill Curses or Hollows around the map and collect 100 Souls dropped by them. Each enemy will drop one Soul.

After completing the quest, talk to Turbo Granny again and then talk to Momo near her. You will be teleported to Turbo Granny’s domain, where you will have to start running after you press start.

Talk to Momo NPC in the cave.
Talk to Momo NPC in the cave. (Picture: GINX)

Dodge the rocks coming at you while completing the given objectives. After completing the challenge, you will be sent back to the cave. Talk to Momo and you will get Okarun.