Want to unlock the Cosmos Defender title in New Journey? You're in the right spot. This title can be all yours by completing Miss Martian's secret quest. But where on earth is this NPC located? Argh!!! Trust me, I can totally relate to your struggle. Luckily for you, I am here to help you out!
It's worth noting that this secret quest in New Journey also offers some fantastic rewards, including free coins and skill points to boost your character. Best of all, it's quite easy to complete—well, with the right guidance, that is. Here's how to find the secret quest in New Journey Roblox.
Do you love freebies? Who doesn't! Be sure to redeem these New Journey codes in Roblox for free coins, skill points, and chest tokens: andersbirthday, anderlovesyou, and anderisthankful. As always, these codes will expire if not used in time.
Where Is The Secret Cosmos Defender Quest In Marvel New Journey?
Before you can begin the secret quest in Marvel New Journey, you must locate an NPC named Miss Martian. To find them, follow these directions: If you are facing the mansion, turn right and walk until you reach the end of the road. Next, go over the pedestrian crossing and then proceed straight across the road.
Keep walking straight and make a sharp left turn into the first alleyway. You will find the NPC near the back of the area. Now, press 1 to interact with the NPC and skip (or read) through the dialog. When you're asked, "What's your name," press the "My name is [Your Name]" dialog option to begin the quest.
After that, a brief cut scene should begin to play. You will then be tasked to locate and destroy six Variants. You'll find them near the bridge with the red billboard near the edge of the city. After you eliminate all the NPCs, return to Miss Martian to get the "Cosmos Defender" title as well as 75k coins and 35 skill points as a reward.
And that's all. That concludes our guide on how to find the secret quest location in New Journey Roblox. I want to extend a special thank you to YouTuber YorraHDAMV for sharing Miss Martian's location. Be sure to check out the video below for a visual walkthrough in case my instructions weren't clear enough for you.
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