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Roblox Locked Tier List (2024): Best Weapons Ranked

Want to identify the best possible weapons to use in Roblox Locked? Look no further than our Locked weapons tier list so you can reach your goals with ease.
Roblox Locked Tier List (2024): Best Weapons Ranked
MomentumGames / Zhoulle

Do you want to become the best possible Locked player in Roblox history and smash the competition? Of course you do! While achieving victory on the virtual pitch does require skill and reflexes, knowledge of the best Roblox Locked weapons can help you score your goals.

Read More: Roblox Locked Trello & Discord Links [Official]

If you don't have the time to test every single weapon (spending a plethora of your hard-earned Yen in the process) and just want the best suggestions, then we've got you covered. Let's take a look at our expert, up-to-date tier list, ranking all the Roblox Locked weapons from best to worst.

Locked Tier List: All Weapons Ranked | Roblox

Through hours of research and testing, I managed to rank all the weapons in Locked from best (S-Tier) to worst (D-Tier), leaving nothing out of the equation. As more weapons get released, be sure to check back, as I'll update the tier list accordingly.

Locked Weapon Tier Weapons Ranked in Tier
  • Planetary
  • Godspeed
  • King
  • CopyCat
  • Ace Eater
  • Emperor
  • Monster


  • Formless
  • Serpent
  • Watchtower
  • Sword Screw
  • Leader
  • Speedster
  • Nagi
  • Kunigami
  • Direct Shot
  • Riptide
  • Iron Head
  • Snatch
  • Acrobatic
  • Shadow
  • Neurotic
  • Long Legs
  • Repel

Please note: This tier list is based on the author's opinions. You might find other Locked weapons more useful, and not agree. It's based on personal play style, preference and sometimes even skill level.

What are the 5 Best Weapons in Roblox Locked?

Best weapons locked roblox tier list ranked ace eater king copycat godspeed planetary monster emperor formless
Take a look at the best possible weapons to use in Locked. (Picture: MomentumGames / Zhoulle)

If you just want instant gratification and don't want to go through a huge Tier List with all the best Locked weapons, then no problem. We've got the five best weapons in Roblox Locked outlined below, alongside their official descriptions, in order of power.

  1. Planetary (Unique): Planetary is a support weapon; if you activate it after someone kicks the ball, you will teleport to the ball and kick it straight back to them. (50 second cooldown).
  2. Godspeed (Unique):  Upon pressing R, you will be launched forward and snatch the ball. Godspeed can also be aim into the air to catch the ball. When taking the ball CD: 150s When not taking the ball CD: 60s.
  3. King (Unique): King is a weapon which allows users to do 3 consecutive chops once in possession of the ball. All 3 chops get faster in each chop and are selected randomly, also the degrees of the chops are random meaning the distance is as well. King also has a second ability, King Shot, which is active when the user is in box, either from using king into box or already being in box. Main CD: 170s. King Shot CD: 100s.
  4. CopyCat (Exotic): The Copy Cat Weapon allows for the user to click on another player in order to take their Weapon for one turn. Once they selected the player press R to use the weapon. The cooldown is 180 seconds.
  5. Ace Eater (Unique): Performing a M2 steal will give the ball a shield for you and your team, any opponent that tries to steal the ball will break the shield instead of stealing. However, after the shield is broken, the ball is back to being stealable. (Must be consistently dribbling the ball to keep its effect).

Check out the official video explaining how one of the best weapons in Locked, called Ace Eater, works.

Did I make a mistake in this guide? If so, please feel free to email me at [email protected] so I can correct it. If you disagree with the Locked weapon rankings, send me a message as well. Thank you in advance, kind reader!

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