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How To Get Aqua Gem In King Legacy: Tidalgem Smith NPC Location

Need help locating Aqua Gems? Here's exactly where you can find them in King Legacy so you can craft the coveted Eye of Acro and Acrospear Sword.
How To Get Aqua Gem In King Legacy: Tidalgem Smith NPC Location

Want to know where to find Aqua Gems in King Legacy? No shocker! This item is needed to craft the Eye of Acro, which you'll need if you want to also unlock the newly-added Acrospear Sword in the game.

The good news is that if you've unlocked the Third Sea, then finding the King Legacy Aqua Gems is actually quite easy. It involves locating a special merchant known as the Tidal Gem. You can find everything you need to know below!

Note: If you'd like to improve the usefulness of this guide, please drop me an email at [email protected] and I'll update this page with your suggestions.

How Craft Aqua Gem In King Legacy

The Aqua Gem in King Legacy can be crafted at the Tidalgem Smith NPC in the Third Sea. You'll find this character on one of the walls inside the castle grounds. You can look at the image below for the exact location where you can find him.

Note that you'll need to gather the following resources to craft the Aqua Gem in King Legacy. 

  • 10x Coral
  • 10x Shark's Fin
  • 50x Sea Artifact
  • 3x Pearl

You'll be able to farm all of the Aqua Gem crafting materials from the NPCs in and around the vicinity. For example, you can get the Shark's Fin from the Fisherman's Guardians and the Sea Artifacts from the Deep Diver NPCs.

And that's all you need to know about the Aqua Gem in King Legacy. With this item in your possession, you'll be set to craft the Eye of Acro, which is required to unlock the new Acrospear Sword.

I want to extend a special thank you to YouTuber LuckyGam3r for their detailed walkthrough. Check out the video below for more, and subscribe if you haven't already!