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How To Get Acrospear Sword In King Legacy (Update 5)

Want to know how to unlock the Acrospear in King Legacy Update 5? Say no more—find its location and all the crafting materials in this guide!
How To Get Acrospear Sword In King Legacy (Update 5)
YouTube / Sharky

Looking for the Acrospear in King Legacy Update 5? You're not alone! This brand-new Sword is the latest addition to the array of weapons, alongside the Saber v2, boasting incredible strength and power. Put simply, you will definitely want to add it to your arsenal.

But how do you get the Acrospear Sword in King Legacy? That's an excellent question—and one that we'll answer right here! Follow these steps to learn about the Acrospear's exact location in the Third Sea and the materials you need to craft it. Let's jump right in!

Editor's Note: I try my best to provide the most accurate information, but I can be wrong about some things from time to time. That said, I appreciate my readers helping me correct my guides. If something isn't right or you'd like to improve this guide, please email at [email protected] with your suggestions!

How To Find Acrospear Location In King Legacy Roblox

The Acrospear Sword is located in the Third Sea of King Legacy. If you haven't reached this location yet, don't worry—you can read our detailed guide. Once you're in the third sea, look for the island shown in the picture below and go to the ledge marked with the red circle.

acrospear sword location king legacy update 5

Next, use the "Aerial Inferno" (X) move of the Acrosythe to blast a hole in the side of the wall. After doing this, you'll discover a hidden NPC. Now, all you need to do is walk up and interact with him. Note that you must have the Acrosythe equipped; otherwise, the NPC will not respond.

After interacting with the NPC, you'll be presented with a lengthy dialog, ending with you getting a choice to "Accept" or "Decline" Acro's blessing. To get the Acrospear Sword in King Legacy, you need to accept this blessing. This will open a special Crafting menu.

acrospear crafting menu king legacy

How To Craft Acrospear Sword In King Legacy Roblox

From here, you'll be able to craft the Acrospear in King Legacy. This weapon requires 9x Eye of Acro and 1x Hydro's Tail. Assuming you have the materials, just click "Craft," and you'll have successfully unlocked the Acrospear in King Legacy.

Note: You'll probably need to get most of the crafting materials for the Acrospear Sword through trading of by looting the Second Sea. We'll explain where to find each material in the section below.

  • Hydro's Tail: This is a rare drop (0.64%) found in Hydra Chests in the Second Sea.
  • Eye of Acro: You can craft this at the mysterious Third Sea NPC. It requires 50 Sea Artifacts, 10x Sea King's Blood, and 6x Aqua Gem.
    • Sea King's Blood: You can find this in the Sea King Chest or Hydra Chest within the Second Sea.
    • Aqua Gem: You can get this item from the Tidalgem Smith NPC in the Third Sea.
    • Sea Artifacts: TBD—I'm not too sure. Please tell me if you know where to find it!

And that's everything you need to know about how to get the Acrospear in King Legacy. Pretty straightforward, right? Well—not exactly. Nevertheless, we hope you have fun with this brand-new weapon.

I want to extend a special thank you to YouTuber LuckyGam3r for their walkthrough on how to get the Acrospear in King Legacy. Check out the video below for more detailed steps, and consider subscribing to their channel if you enjoy this type of content.