Looking for the latest Jujutsu Infinite patch notes? You're in the right spot! In this consistently updated guide, you'll always find all the details on the new Roblox Jujutsu Infinite update, from small bug fix patches to large event updates, including all the new features, items, techniques, cursed tools, and more.
Let's dive straight in and take a look at the new Jujutsu Infinite patch notes.
Update on 10 February 2025: We've checked for new updates and patch notes, adding the latest additions for Jujutsu Infinite fans to read through.
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Latest Jujutsu Infinite Patch Notes
We've done the heavy lifting for you, looking high and low for the newest Jujutsu Infinite patch notes, so you don't have to. Specifically, we get these straight from the developers via the game's official Discord channel and Trello board, providing you with the most up-to-date patch notes possible. Check it out below by clicking on the update name to expand.
(2/8/25) FUGA Variant + Puppet + Gamepass Trading
- New FUGA chant move
- New legendary Puppet innate
- Added gamepass trading. Open the shop menu, then go to gift, and you can press "convert to tradable item". The moment you trade this item to someone else, it will automatically redeem it for them.
- A new NPC has been introduced to help players who missed out on obtaining a Dimensional Maximum Scroll due to bugs or other issues. You can find this NPC on top of the tall building in Jujutsu High, where interacting with them will grant you another chance to claim your scroll.
- New icons for gambler fever moves
- Cooldowns such as trade cooldown and daily item limit for events are now global, meaning they will reset at the same time for everyone.
- New icon for flame arrow move
- Fixed being able to domain inside a domain when world bosses were caught in a domain
- Fixed Electric nature doing visual block damage
- Fixed blitz rush not adding a cd before you can blackflash
- Fixed black flashing certain moves making you stuck
- Fixed Mantis Kick sometimes making you stuck
- Fixed Talon strike sometimes making you unable to move
- Fixed high ping sometimes breaking you when you use moves. Now has a timeout of 5 seconds before you can move again.
- Hopefully Fixed Ranked sometimes not ending
- Should have fixed Ranked sometimes not putting you on a team
- Fixed leaving a ranked match sometimes breaking it
- Fixed being able to tendril and block at the same time
- Fixed shop being enabled while trading
- Spatial Pummel now applies an initial hit on use to prevent vent resets
- Six Eyes healing reduced from 30% to 20%
- Reversal Red in Six Eyes mode is now a combo ender
- Total Collapse no longer combo extends
- Limited time lunar new years event based on the year of the snake! Mobs have a chance of spawning with a glowing gold aura. Killing mobs with a gold aura gives you snake talisman. You can spend snake talisman at the black market NPC to obtain drops. 18 hour limit of 100 talisman, but you can get snake talisman relatively fast. World bosses with the gold aura drop 10 talisman, queueable bosses with gold aura drop 5 talisman, advanced npcs with gold aura and mini boss curses with gold aura drop 2, normal curses with gold aura drop 1
- 2X EXP ENABLED! This will be enabled for a limited time of only 2 days! Hurry before it's gone!
- New consumable drops (you can get from black market, but they are also available in every chest)
Red Envelope: Spawns a chest which only has uncommon and above loot. Contains all of the lunar new year's drops. Fireworks: Gives everyone in the vicinity 3 red envelopes, and also spawns firework effects on the player. Snake Charm: Grants the player +1.5x extra luck on their next chest. Basically a limited time fortune gourd but better. Dumplings: Grants the player +0.1x extra luck for the next 5 minutes. A limited time version of luck vials but better. - 4 new limited time armor sets added. These will go unobtainable after the event ends in 2 weeks! Special Grade Set Red Suit of Good Luck Red Trousers of Good Luck Lunar New Years Cloak Red Mask of The Snake Black Mask of The Snake Legendary Set Floral Tang Suit Dark Patterned Trousers Rare Set Patterned Tang Suit Gilded Patterned Trousers Uncommon Set Dark Tang Suit Scale Patterned Trousers
- New special grade skill scroll: Scroll of Golden Wind. Summons a large gust of gold wind in front of you, dealing AOE damage.
- New Jujutsu High map + Zen Forest map redecorations
- New emote for lunar new years
- New codes for spins!
- Added Ranked Match leashing. Falling/getting flung out of the map should now bring you back
- Thickened some Ranked Map floors so it's a little harder to fall out. Also added roofs to Ranked Maps missing them to prevent players getting flung out or attempting to flee
- Changed how Console LockOn camera positioning works for moves. Should make your moves be a lot more accurate at close range.
- Attempted to fix server lists not working correctly
- Daily trade limit no longer resets on the last trade, it is now set on the first trade, meaning your daily trade limit resets X hours after the first trade
- Daily trade limit raised from 15 to 20 trades
- Daily trade limit changed from 16 hours to 12 hours
- Fixed Abyssal Curse not increasing status effect duration
- Fixed Explosive Rush not properly causing an AOE effect on rush
- Fixed Inferno Cape not increasing burn damage by 50%
- Fixed some PvE buffs applying to players
- Should have fixed people leaving in a domain clash breaking everyone
- Fixed some status effect descriptions not showing up
- Jacob’s Ladder outside of domain no longer bypasses cutscenes
- Demonic Toss can no longer be used to reset someones vent
- Wet Nature now applies the wat status for 5 seconds instead of 1
(1/18/25) Trading + World Bosses
Trading is now enabled with a few restrictions:
- Maximum of 15 trades per day
- 5 minute trading cooldown
- Must be level 300+ to trade unobtainable, unique and special grade. All other items can be traded at any level
- Can only trade in Trade Hub
Three new world bosses added. These bosses spawn every 1 hour based on server age and not globally. Requires >15% kill credit to get drops
- Mantis Curse
- A large mantis curse that guards its territory. Drops 5 Mantis Arm material upon killing.
- Monk of The Lake
- An ancient heian monk that guards a shrine in the lake. Drops 5 Monk Beads upon killing.
- Egg Jaw
- A curse shaped like an egg with a disformed jaw. Drops 5 Egg Jaw Eyeball upon killing.
New skill scrolls added
- Scroll of Mantis Kick
- Legendary drop from the Mantis Curse. You perform a kick which causes a green slash. Upon hitting the ground, it divides into more green slashes which can hit others.
- Scroll of Acid Spit
- Legendary drop from the Egg Jaw boss. You spit out acid that causes AOE damage.
- Scroll of Demonic Hellstomp
- Special Grade drop from the Monk of The Lake boss. You wind up a kick into the ground causing massive destruction. Huge AOE move that deals a lot of damage, but has a large windup and is cancellable
New luck armor, Fortune Set, added.
- If you have the entire set equipped you get +0.4x luck. Having the entire set equipped also lets you apply gourd buffs to everyone in your party without them having to be near you. These drop from the world bosses, or can be crafted in the crafting menu at Jujutsu High.
- Finger bearer reworked
- Investigation key rates buffed. At the max difficulty and highest level you will get 6 keys per run
- Winter bell joyful ring animation has been changed
- Winter sets have been buffed, passive has been changed to "Festive". It grants +0.05x luck per item, but having the entire set equipped will grant your entire party +0.05x extra luck.
- Luck boosts in armors now stack ontop of eachother
- Healing Frost now heals less in ranked
- Electric nature now does less chip damage to block
- Fixed Snowmen sometimes causing an error message after exploding
- Fixed festive shirt not stacking with festive pants
- Fixed bosses sometimes not giving loot depending on if a spawn was the last one to hit them
- Fixed the person who hit a boss last leaving causing people to not receive chests
- Fixed certain statuses stacking multiple times causing optimization issues
- Fixed Infinite Void sometimes causing your screen to stay black after using it
- Fixed being able to blackflash immediately after rushing
- Fixed certain statuses stacking, causing unoptimization
- Fixed statuses not counting to kill credit
- Fixed snow brigade skill scroll not appearing in the black market
- Fixed certain moves not counting to kill credit
- Made kill credit a lot more accurate
- New Santa world boss. Spawns once an hour at XX:00 at the same time across all servers. Drops 5 candy cane and 5 chests if you have over 10% kill credit on him. If someone domains santa, you will be able to invade that domain for free without needing to have heavenly restriction. You can get the new limited time items from the santa boss winter chests.
- New limited time Winter Bell weapon
- Skill scroll system added to the game. They are items that can be used to give you skills that you cannot obtain through normal means. More skill scrolls will be added in the future. The winter skill scrolls are limited time
- Maximum: Frost Calm added for Cryokinesis
- Limited time Title: Snow Angel added. Has a wing effect to it when equipped
- New limited time Festive Armor set
- New black market NPC system added. This is similar to the curse market but it is set by developers. We will be using this for limited time events or special deals every now and then. For this event, you will be able to exchange candy canes for the limited items. You can still get the limited time item events from the winter chest drops from santa, and the winter black market is used for pity.
- New winter themed jujutsu high and zen forest map
- Secret special grade drop weapon added for santa boss
- Buffed drop rates for investigation + boss
- Luck system changes:
- Difficulty selection no longer level locked
- Difficulty now affects curse damage in investigations. On nightmare difficulty if you aren't careful your HP will melt from curses
- Domain shards + maximum scrolls no longer level locked
- Ranked level lock decreased from 300 -> 180
- Special grade weapons can now be used at any level as well
- Added current server age to server list so mobile players can see what age the server is
- Failing a boss/investigation storyline mission no longer progresses the storyline
- The game now notifies you when you can do a storyline quest
- You can select level tiers to increase the difficulty of a boss/investigation
- Playing Detention Center/Sorcerer Killer Heian Demon at highest level tier and nightmare grants 1.2x luck for domain shards and other unique items
- Removed finger bearer nuke move flashing your screen
- Added console vent icon, shows d pad instead of H
- Cryokinesis Frost Impact now guard breaks
- Cryokinesis Hail Storm damage buffed
- Low GFX button added to the menu that temporarily enables it
- Added extra safety checks for if you don’t get teleported back from domain, should happened a lot less now
- Fixed killing an npc as they cast domain leading to the domain lasting forever
- Fixed being able to reset while casting domain to leave the domain around forever
- Fixed mobile being unable to hold down moves
- Fixed being able to equip innates you don’t have
- Fixed being able to m1 someone casting idle death or incomplete to instantly kill them
- Fixed m1s changing everyone's y position, now only changes if you hit them or hit their block
- Fixed crafting while having an item cap taking your resources and not giving you anything
- Fixed 2v2s sometimes not loading someone’s data, leading to a neverending free for all
- Fixed invading a domain sometimes teleporting you back after the domain finishes
- Fixed venting then using a maximum using your blackflash tokens without giving you your maximum
- Fixed lodge making bosses break and clip through the map sometimes
- Fixed being able to get above 300 luck in ranked
- Fixed being able to go into currency debt in ranked
- Fixed being able to leave behind vengeance ghosts
- Fixed clashing after using oberon instant killing you
- Fixed forage quests not properly cleaning up forageables when canceled
Previous Jujutsu Infinite Patch Notes
For a bit of a historical record, especially for those who haven't played in a while and want to take note of the latest changes, we've got a handful of previous patch notes to share for Jujutusi Infinite fans. Click on the update below to expand for full notes.
- Made sparks of blackflash starter no longer have hyper armor
- Made sparks of blackflash extender not guardbreak
- Fixed 2v2s sometimes subtracting currency
- Fixed flourish strike animation being messed up
- Increased Jade Lotus cap to 30 since it was preventing certain curse market trades
- Fixed buying stat reset not automatically refreshing your stat tree
- Fixed refund points opening shop in stats tree
- Fixed some hyperarmor moves breaking you when hit while using them
- Added /buff for console players. holding L/R trigger + D-pad Down will proc your buffs.
- Fixed block sometimes randomly being on cooldown
- Added Dpad-Up Vent indicator icon for console players
- Fixed venting for console players enabling ui selection mode
That's it! Check back soon as we consistently update this page with the latest patch note details.
Read More: Jujutsu Infinite Winter Bell: How To Get & Effects
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