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How To Get Grimoire In Roblox Grimoires Era

Want to know how to find a Grimoire in Roblox Grimoires Era? Here's how to locate the Grimoire Tower in the game.
How To Get Grimoire In Roblox Grimoires Era
Game Funzy via YouTube / Nikkolapz

Want to know how to get a Grimoire in Roblox Grimoires Era? You're in the right spot! In Black Clover, these spell books amplify magic, allowing users to cast spells beyond their natural abilities. Each one is unique, reflecting the owner's magical attribute and kingdom.

This is also true in Grimoires Era—but the burning question is how to locate one. Well, that's where we come in! This guide will explain where to find the Grimoire Dealer, including a breakdown of the different Grimoires and how to store them.

How To Find Grimoire Tower Location In Roblox Grimoires Era

Grimoire Dealer NPC Location

To get a Grimoire, you'll need to locate a special NPC called Grimoire Dealer in Roblox Grimoires Era. You can reach him from spawn. Starting from the Safe Zone, go straight into the direction of the Bandit NPC, following the gravel path until you reach a bridge crossing.

Go over the bridge and continue past the Quest Giver 4. Next, cross the second bridge and run straight toward the large building in the distance: Grimoire Tower. After entering the tower, you must talk to the Grimoire Dealer to spin for your Grimoires in Roblox Grimoires Era.

How To Store Grimoires

You can purchase additional Grimoire storage slots (it costs Robux) from the StorageGuy NPC located in the back room of the Church near the spawn point. With your Grimoire acquired, all you need to do is click "Store" to save it. If you want to use it, simply click "Get."

Pro Tip: You can get free spins by redeeming Roblox Grimoires Era codes. You can find a bunch of these on our dedicated codes page. We keep it updated, checking for new codes on a daily basis!

All Grimoires In Roblox Grimoires Era

There are currently ten Grimoires in Roblox Grimoires Era. Obviously, the rarer spell books are more powerful—however, they are much harder to obtain.

  • Regen (Common)
  • Reinforcement (Common)
  • Bronze (Uncommon)
  • Fire (Rare)
  • Water (Rare)
  • Earth (Rare)
  • Dark (Epic)
  • Wind (Legendary)
  • Anti-magic (Mythical)
  • Sword Magic (Mythical)

Note: There is a 60% chance that you will spin a Common Grimoire. The remaining rarities are much harder to get. Specifically, the Uncommon, Rare, Epic, Legendary, and Mythical Grimoires have a 23%, 12% 4%, 0.9% and 0.1% chance, respectively.

And that's everything you need to know about finding a Grimoire in Roblox Grimoires Era. Did you find this page useful? If so, let me know at [email protected]. Also, I want to extend a special thank you to YouTuber CodexGeas for their walkthrough—check out the video for more!