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How To Get Glormy Hound in Roblox Adopt Me

We explain how you can get the Glormy Hound in Adopt Me, including the precise price in Galactic Shards that Sean wants for this Legendary pet.
How To Get Glormy Hound in Roblox Adopt Me
Uplift Games

The Glormy Hound has arrived on Adoption Isle, and even Sean's in a bit of a panic. That's right, you can now get the first Celestial pet called Glormy Hound in Roblox Adopt Me, and it's absolutely magnificent! 

If you want to hoard Glormies from the Glorpentine Galaxy, then the Glormy Hound is the perfect pet to kick off your collection. Don't worry; we've got you covered with a step-by-step guide to getting the Adopt Me Glormy Hound with relative ease.

Adopt Me Glormy Hound: How To Get

Glormy hound adopt me alien dog celestial pet legendary how to get sean unlock galactic shards
When you have enough Galactic Shards, just head to Sean and trade them for an awesome Glormy Hound! (Picture: Uplift Games)

The image above shows Sean's location on Adoption Isle. You can see he is right out in the open, ready to trade with you. 

Yes, to get the Glormy Hound in Adopt Me, you'll have to use your Galactic Shards and trade with Sean. To be specific, the Glormy Hound costs 175 Galactic Shards in Roblox Adopt Me. 

You can also get the Glormy Hound by trading with other players who happen to have it. Keep in mind that the Glormy Hound is a limited-time pet, which might just disappear from Sean's inventory on 30 August 2024 with the Galactic Pass 3 update.

Read More: How To Get Galactic Shards Quickly in Adopt Me

You can, of course, get more Galactic Shards by leveling up your Galactic Pass 2, unlocking more currency for most of the 20 levels.

Glormy hound adopt me alien dog celestial pet legendary how to get sean unlock galactic shards
Now that's a lot of Glormy Hounds in one place! (Picture: Uplift Games)

You can then reset your Galactic Pass with 3,000 Bucks and start again, earning even more Shards in the process.

How do you level up your pass in the first place? Well, just complete your pets' needs! With the Pets Plus+ subscription, you can level up faster and equip two pets at once

Read More: Adopt Me Pets Plus Subscription: Benefits, Content & Price

You can further complete quests in the Task Board, allowing you to level up your Galactic Pass faster. New tasks are added with a little flying saucer icon and a purple color scheme. 

Watch Uplift Games' exciting new trailer introducing the Glormy Hound and how it arrived on Adoption Island below.

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