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How To Get Galactic Shards Quickly in Adopt Me

We explain how you can quickly farm more Galactic Shards in Adopt Me to give to Sean and earn Celestial Pets in the process.
How To Get Galactic Shards Quickly in Adopt Me
Uplift Games

The alien-skeleton creepy NPC, Sean, has returned to Adoption Island with the latest Roblox Adopt Me update, and he wants you to go out and get many Galactic Shards.

You've all heard about the Galactic Passes and the four-part update spree starting on 16 August, with the last one releasing on 6 September. During this time, you'll want to farm all the Adopt Me Galactic Shards as quickly as possible! Don't worry, we're here to help.

Adopt Me Galactic Shards: How To Farm Quickly

roblox adopt me galactic shards how to get farm earn galactic pass sean celestial pets
Visit the Task Board on Adoption Island to earn more XP to level up your Galactic Pass, thereby earning more Galactic Shards. (Picture: Uplift Games)

You must level up your Galactic Pass to earn Galactic Shards. There are a total of 20 levels in the first Galactic Pass, and reaching most of the levels gets you some Galactic Shards and other rewards, such as the Singularity Beetle.

To get more Galactic Shards quickly, all you need to do to level up is complete your pet's needs. Those with the Pets Plus+ subscription will be able to level up faster, as you can equip two pets. Both pets will have their own needs to complete, with your main pet getting all the needs you are used to seeing and the other getting a smaller portion, making it easier to earn Bucks and age your pets. You also get an increased daily Bucks limit and a wealth of other smaller benefits

Read More: How To Equip Two Pets At Once in Adopt Me

You can further complete quests in the Task Board, allowing you to level up your Galactic Pass faster. New tasks are added with a little flying saucer icon and a purple color scheme. At level 13 and level 19 of the first Galactic Pass, you earn the Singularity Beetle.

To get even more Galactic Shards, you can level up your Galactic Pass another time if you are willing to spend a whopping 3,000 Bucks (at least it's not Robux) at Sean to reset it.

When Can I Spend Galactic Shards in Adopt Me?

roblox adopt me galactic shards how to get farm earn galactic pass sean celestial pets
You can trade your Galactic Shards at Sean for some Celestial Pets starting 23 August 2024. (Picture: Uplift Games)

You can only start spending your Galactic Shards in Adopt Me on 23 August 2024. Sean will then sell you some Celestial Pets, described as "Glormies from the Glorpentine Galaxy." We'll update our readers once we know more about the Galactic Shards cost of the Celestial Pets.

The developers, in Sean's voice no less, explained the whole Adopt Me Galactic Pass situation, the Galactic Shards you can earn, and the Celestial Pets you could buy, so check out the somewhat creepy but awesome video below.

Good luck farming enough Galactic Shards on Adoption Island. Remember to complete as much as possible in the four weeks, starting on 16 August 2024!

Did I make a mistake in this guide? Then please feel free to email me at [email protected] so I can make corrections. Thank you!

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