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Fruit Seas Tier List - Best Devil Fruit Ranked

What is the best Devil Fruit in Fruit Seas? Find out by exploring our tier list!
Fruit Seas Tier List - Best Devil Fruit Ranked

What is the best Devil Fruit in Fruit Seas (formerly Demon Piece)? That's an excellent question—and it's one that often sparks heated debate. After all, Fruits are super important for augmenting your character's power, offering new skills for grinding PvE or PvP combat.

But what is the most overpowered Devil Fruit in the game? That's where we come in! This guide will rank all the Fruits from best to worst, ensuring you're informed about the strongest ones. Whether you're a new player or a veteran, this Fruit Seas tier list will help build a powerful battle strategy.

Editor's Note: Demon Piece has rebranded to Fruit Seas after Update 1, presumably due to copyright violations. The new patch added two new Fruits: String and Rubber, which we've added to the tier list as well.

What Is The Devil Fruit To Use In Fruit Seas?

The String Fruit is one of the best Devil Fruits because it is the first Mythic rarity in Fruit Seas. Its in-game description reads: "The String Fruit is a Paramecia-type Devil Fruit that allows the user to create and manipulate strings." You can check out a full showcase in the video below.

Despite some critique about its underwhelming damage, it is placed high on our tier list due to its powerful moves (including the AoE Flame Whip, Heaven's Barrage, and Birdcage skills). It's also quite difficult to obtain, whether from spinning or trading (where it's heavily overpriced).

Buddha and Lightning are also extremely powerful, perhaps more so than String. This reasoning is grounded in Buddha not only being very rare but also great for grinding due to its significant damage and utility. Likewise, Lightning also outputs a ton of damage and has powerful PvP abilities in Fruit Seas.

Looking for more guides? Check out my other Fruit Seas (formerly Demon Piece) guides, including how to get Geppo and Soru. But don't stop there—learn how to get Observation Haki, Armament Haki, and Max Haki in the game!

Fruit Seas Tier List: Best Devil Fruit Ranked

The table below ranks all the most commonly used Devil Fruits in Fruit Seas from best to worst. Not convinced by these ratings? That's totally okay. If you disagree or want to improve these tier rankings, just drop me an email at [email protected], and I'll gladly edit it.

Tier Devil Fruit
S-Tier (excellent) Lightning, Buddha, String, Light, Tremor
A-Tier (good) Flame, Dark, Paw, Sand, Rubber, Love
B-Tier (average) Smoke, Bomb, Gas, Barrier
C-Tier (poor) Kilo, Chop
D-Tier (not worth mentioning) Spin, Spring

Editor's Comment: Please note that this tier list is courtesy of YouTuber XenoTy and represents their own opinions. As such, these rankings might differ wildly based on your personal play style, skill level, and preference.

And that concludes our Fruit Seas tier list. But why stop there? Check out some of our other guides: Bladers: RebirthDeath Ball, Jujutsu Chronicles, Anime Champions Simulator, Haze Piece, Peroxide, TYPE SOUL, Anime Fighters, Project Slayers, Roblox King Legacy, Murder Mystery 2, Adopt Me, Love Nikki, Anime Dimensions, Shindo Life, All-Star Tower Defense, or Skibi Toilet Tower Defense.