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Fisch Volcano Eruption Event: How To Complete

Here's everything to know about the Volcano Eruption live event in Fisch!
Fisch Volcano Eruption Event: How To Complete

Want to know how to complete the Volcano Eruption Event in Fisch? I’ve got you covered! This first-ever live event will completely transform Roslit Bay, flooding it with lava and introducing new fish and rewards. Since this is a one-time event, you’ll need to be online to experience it in real-time.

To make sure you don’t miss anything, I’ve put together this guide detailing the event’s start time, key changes, and what you can expect after the eruption. Whether you're looking for new collectibles or hidden content, this guide will help you prepare for the big event!

Where Is The Volcano Eruption Event Location In Fisch? | Roblox

The Volcano Eruption Event will happen in Roslit Bay (XYZ: -1600, 130, 500) on Feb. 15 at 14:00 GMT. Since it's a live event, the event will only be active for a limited time, ending after 1.5 hours or at 15:30 GMT (United Kingdom) or 07:30 PT | 10:30 ET (United States) on Feb. 15, 2025.

Not sure how long you have to complete the Volcano Eruption Event in Fisch? No problem—just refer to the countdown below to find out exactly how much time you have left.

The Volcano Eruption Event will end in approximately

Note: While it's not yet confirmed, the eruption is speculated to have a hidden entrance inside the volcano, which many people believe will lead to Mariana’s Veil.

How To Complete Volcano Eruption Event In Fisch | Roblox

While the Volcano Eruption Event is active in Fisch, the bay will be flooded with lava, offering you a chance to catch nine new limited fish. To complete the event, you simply need to complete the Ashfall Bestiary. Speak to Dr. Finneaus on the boat in the area to begin and return to him once you're done. It's that simple.

67b0a2a993ce9-Fisch VOLCANO Eruption LIVE EVENT Update Quest _ Secret Door Bunker _ Mariana_s Veil 🔴 Roblox Live 1-28-22 screenshot.png
Dr. Finneaus is located in Roslit Bay during the Volcano Eruption Event in Fisch.

All Volcano Eruption Event Rewards In Fisch | Roblox

By completing the Volcano Eruption Event in Fisch, you can earn a ton of rewards. Specifically, you can get the Volcanic Research Boat (Speed: 135S/ps, steering: 45, Acceleration: 0.3S/ps) as well as the new Volcanic Explorer and Volcanic Helper titles.

There is lots of other new content added, like the Bombastic Carbon (Carbon Rod), Tundra Strike (Arctic Rod), Forgotten Doomspire (Rod of the Forgotten Fang) limited rod skins, Molten Jetski limited boat, as well as the Skeleton Anchor, Soulless Fish, and Obsidian Lockheartlimited bobbers.

And that's everything you need to know about the Volcano Eruption Event in Fisch.

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