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Roblox Fisch Tier List (2025): Best Enchant Relics Ranked

Want to know what the best Enchant Relics are in Roblox Fisch? Look no further than my Relics tier list!
Roblox Fisch Tier List (2025): Best Enchant Relics Ranked

Need help deciding which Relics to use in Roblox Fisch? Let me help you! Enchant Relics can drastically improve your fishing experience. They offer a range of buffs, such as reduced bait consumption, increased XP gain, bonus luck, or even extra resilience during bad weather.

As a result, it's important to know which Enchant Relics you should toss—and which ones are worthy of adding to your loadout. So, without further ado, here's the best Relics tier list for Roblox Fisch!

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What Is The Best Enchant Relic In Fisch? | Roblox

The best Enchant Relic in Fisch is most probably Quantum. It will give you a 25% chance for fish to be Subspace, which boosts their sell value by 5x—this makes it a great relic for stacking cash. I highly suggest using it on a fast rod like the No-Life Rod.

Another great option is Hasty as it offers a 55% lure speed bonus. It's best paired with slower rods like Steady Rod but it's also great on more expensive ones like the Trident Rod.

Fisch Enchant Relic Tier List: All Relics Ranked | Roblox

Here is a table ranking every Enchant Relic in Fisch Roblox. To learn more about how to get Enchant Relics, you can refer to my dedicated guide.

Tier Enchantment
S-Tier (excellent) Long, Hasty, Quantum, Clever
A-Tier (great) Abyssal, Steady, Mystical, Resilience, Piercing
B-Tier (good-ish) Anomalous, Immortal, Invincible, Wormhole, Quality, Swift
C-Tier (kinda meh) Controlled, Herculean, Sea Overlord, Insight, Divine, Storming
D-Tier (really bad) Breezed, Scrapper, Noir, Unbreakable, Lucky
F-Tier (dogsh*t) Blessed, Mutated, Sea King, Ghastly

Editor's Comment: Please note that this tier list is based on the author's opinions. As such, these rankings might differ wildly based on your personal play style, skill level, and preference. If you're not convinced by these ratings, message me with your opinions.

Did I make a mistake? Please let me know by emailing me at [email protected] so I can fix it. Thank you!

And that concludes my Roblox Fisch enchant relic tier list. Don't forget to check out some of my other Roblox guides — Bladers: RebirthDeath Ball, Jujutsu Chronicles, Anime Champions Simulator, Haze Piece, Peroxide, TYPE SOUL, Anime Fighters, Project Slayers, Roblox King Legacy, Murder Mystery 2, Adopt Me, Love Nikki, Anime Dimensions, Shindo Life, All-Star Tower Defense, or Skibi Toilet Tower Defense.