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Fisch Second Sea: How To Reach Cursed Sea

Find out how to get to the Second Sea in Fisch and start your journey in the biggest expansion yet.
Fisch Second Sea: How To Reach Cursed Sea

Ready to explore new waters? The Cursed Sea update in Fisch opens the gates to the long-awaited Second Sea, which features a new world, new rods, a fresh currency, and a level cap increase—all without wiping your current progress. But how do you actually get there?

This guide will explain everything you need to know about reaching the Cursed Sea in Fisch.

Update: So, I was wrong haha. To get to the Second Sea, you need to beat Cthulu on Terrapin. Level requirement is 200. Good luck!

How I Think You’ll Reach the Second Sea In Fisch (Speculation)

To reach the Second Sea (i.e., the Cursed Sea) in Fisch, you'll probably need to speak to a special NPC somewhere in Moosewood—likely near the docks or town center. It’s possible that once the update goes live, this NPC will offer you the option to travel to the Second Sea in Fisch.

No level requirement, no gatekeeping. You'll simply need to hop aboard and set sail. Again, that’s not confirmed, but it fits the dev’s goal of bringing back casual, easygoing exploration while giving players more freedom. Well, at least that's what I believe is the case.

And that's pretty much all I know right now lol. Right now, there’s no confirmed way to reach the Second Sea in Fisch, but I’ll update this page the moment I can confirm how it works in-game.

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