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Fisch Pets: Full Guide

Here's everything you need to know about pets in Fisch.
Fisch Pets: Full Guide

Are pets coming to Fisch? While nothing is set in stone just yet, it seems as though your fishing adventures are about to get less lonely. A recent community poll has sparked speculation, with developers hinting at a potential new feature that could shake up gameplay. Here’s everything we know so far about pets in Fisch.

Editor's Note: This page is a stub. The pets feature has not yet been implemented into the game. I will update this page with more information once I know more.

Are Pets Coming To Fisch? | Roblox

It seems likely, but it's not yet confirmed. A recent poll on the official Fisch Discord server asking, "Do you like the pet idea?" suggests that the developers might add pets to Fisch in the future. The poll received 22,606 upvotes, representing a 63% approval rating.

According to developer Noah, pets in Fisch would have in-game functions like gathering bait, throwing bait into the water, and reacting with emotes when unique fish are caught. The initial pet concepts include monkeys and parrots, intended to act as companions with unique personalities.

fisch pets

Here's what Noah said:

I know it's been a meme forever but, if we [the developers] added pets with actual functions like gathering or throwing bait in the water for the player [and] emotes when catching unique fish, would you guys want shoulder pets in the game? I'm thinking we start with monkeys/parrots! Think of them more like the ghost personality with emotes, quips, and gathering new bait!

The game's creator, Nate, further suggested that pets introduced to Fisch could have special traits and buffs that affect gameplay. However, this has sparked mixed reactions, as some players worry that certain pets might introduce meta changes or imbalance the game.

And that's everything we know about pets in Fisch right now. It's not clear when the developers will introduce these digital companions—but you can keep up-to-date by checking out the Fisch patch notes on my separate page.