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Fisch Orca Hunt Event: How To Find Orca

Here's everything to know about the Orca Hunt Event in Fisch, including their location and how to catch them.
Fisch Orca Hunt Event: How To Find Orca

Want to catch an Orca in Fisch? You're not alone! Orca Migration is a limited-time event in Fisch introduced in Update 1.16—and similar to Shark Hunts and Megalodon Hunts—they're a big deal! The only difference is you'll be trying to catch a moving target. So, how do you begin?

This guide will detail everything to know bout the Orca Hunt Event in Fisch, including the Orca Migration location and the best bait to catch Orcas in the game.

How To Find Orca Migration Location In Fisch | Roblox

Similarly to Megalodon or Kraken Hunts, Orca Migrations only last 15 minutes in Fisch. The event will start with a group of five Orcas spawning in the northern edge of the map at X: 825, Y: 125, Z: -3250 and migrating in a straight line to the southern tip of the map at X: 825, Y: 125, Z: 5100.

The Orca Migration in Fisch will follow a fixed route through The Arch, Moosewood, and Terrapin Island, making the best location to intercept an active Orca Hunt Event inside the Ocean area around Moosewood.

Importantly, Orca Hunt Events in Fisch spawn randomly (you can't trigger a spawn) but will be announced to the entire server—so keep an eye on your notifications! If you arrive late to the event, check their expected path and intercept them instead of starting at the original spawn point!

fisch orca hunt event
Orca Hunt Events have a small random chance to begin in Fisch.

Note: You can only catch a maximum of five Orcas in Fisch. The migration will end after the 15 minutes or once all the Orcas are caught. So—make sure you find the Orca Migration for the best odds of reeling one in!

How To Catch Orcas During Orca Hunt Event In Fisch | Roblox

Since Orcas move, you’ll need to adjust your fishing approach compared to regular hunt events in Fisch. Here are a few top tips to help you out:

  • Firstly, you'll need a fast boat to keep up with the Orca migration in Fisch.
  • You'll also want to stock up on Shark Heads—this is the best bait to catch Orcas!
  • Next, you'll want to use a strong fishing rod, preferably one with a high Luck and Lure Speed rating. I highly recommend the Trident Rod.
  • Lastly, don't stay in one place. Remember the Orcas are moving so position yourself properly so you don't move out of the migration zone.

Occasionally, an Orca Migration event will turn into an Albino Orca Hunt, where you can catch Ancient Orcas. As you might expect, these are super rare, but they function the same way as normal Orca Migrations. They're also more difficult to catch but are much more valuable.

orca fisch
You can catch Regular or Ancient variations of Orca in Fisch.

And that's everything to know about the Orca Hunt Event in Fisch. Now you know how to find and catch them in the game.

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