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Fisch Moby: How To Catch

Find out how to catch the legendary Moby Dick during the Whale Migration event in Fisch.
Fisch Moby: How To Catch

Need help to catch the elusive Moby in Fisch? You’re not alone! Based on the famous Moby Dick novel by Herman Melville, Moby is a rare Secret rarity fish that only appears under specific conditions during the newly introduced Whale Migration event. But how do you catch it?!

That's where I come in. This guide will explain how to get Moby in Fisch, including the best bait and conditions to reel in this great whale.

How To Catch Moby In Fisch | Roblox

Moby only appears during the Whale Migration event in Fisch, which has a 20% chance of triggering when it’s raining. During this event, Blue Whales will spawn and follow a fixed migration route starting from behind Sunstone Island and traveling across the Ocean to the opposite end of the map.

Moby only has a 5% chance of spawning during the Whale Migration but tends to appear more often in the Summer season. Unlike the Exotic rarity Blue Whales, which prefer Shrimp bait, Moby prefers Squid bait, so make sure you have plenty stocked up before attempting the catch!

how to catch moby dick in fisch
Moby is part of the Secret Fish bestiary in Fisch.

Note: Moby has a -95% progress speed, which makes it significantly more difficult to reel in. This means you'll need a fishing rod with high Lure Speed and Resilence like the Ethereal Prism Rod.

After you catch Moby in Fisch, it will trigger a special cutscene where the massive whale slams onto your boat. By successfully reeling it in, you'll be rewarded with a unique enchantment. Just make sure you start Captain Ahab’s quest in Moosewood so you're able to redeem it.

That’s everything you need to know about catching Moby in Fisch! Since this event is still new, you can probably expect even more discoveries as players refine the best strategies. Stay tuned for updates, and good luck on your hunt for Moby!

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