Want to reel in the elusive Megalodon in Fisch? This legendary predator is not only a showstopper but also a test of your fishing skills. With the right preparation and timing, you’ll be able to hook this massive shark and add it to your Ancient Isles bestiary collection.
Here's how to catch the Megalodon in Fisch after the Ancient Isles Expansion update.
How To Catch Megalodon In Fisch | Roblox
To reel in the Megalodon in Fisch, ensure you’re equipped with a fishing rod capable of handling the predator's massive size. It’s recommended to use one with a weight capacity of at least 8,000 kg, such as the Steady Rod, Rod of the Depths, or the Kings Rod, which you can purchase from the Keeper’s Altar for C$120,000.
If you’re lucky enough to have the No-Life Rod, it will allow for instant catches and make the process significantly easier. In addition to having the right rod, you must also stock up on Shark Head bait, as this is the only type the Megalodon will respond to in Fisch.
- Read more: Best Fishing Spots In Fisch Roblox
Where To Find The Megalodon In Fisch | Roblox
The Megalodon spawns in the ocean near the Ancient Isle in Fisch, but only during the in-game Megalodon Hunt hunt. You'll get a notification when the event begins, including a giant red circle in the water and black storm clouds overhead.
When you're at the event area, position your boat within the red circle. Then cast your line with the Shark Head bait and wait. When the Megalodon bites, you’ll know—it triggers a rainbow-colored exclamation mark above your head.
There are three possible Fisch Megalodon variants with different progress rates:
Regular Megalodon (-80% progress speed)
Ancient Megalodon (-90% progress speed)
Phantom Megalodon (-85% progress speed)
The Megalodon is worth C$3.34 per kg, with an average weight of 6,000 kg (approx. C$17,500). Larger specimens can weigh over 14,000 kg, significantly increasing your payout. Here's the Megalodon's in-game description once it is caught:
The Megalodon is a gigantic predatory shark known for its enormous size. It possesses a large mouth with many serrated teeth which can easily rip through anything in its way. They went extinct around 3.6 million years ago, during the early Pliocene epoch. They are one of the apex predators of the Ancient Isle, and will put up an incredible fight when hooked.
And that's everything to know about how to find and catch the Megalodon in Fisch Roblox. Basically, you just need to go to the Ancient Isles using a fishing rod capable of withstanding at least 8,000 kg and Shark Head bait.
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