Need help to complete Dr. Glimmerfin's quest in Fisch? Let me give you a hand! This new questline involves finding algae and will reward you with a special in-game title and Golden Tide event. While this quest is not too challenging to complete, some novice players are still having a tough time.
To help you out, I've compiled a guide to explain exactly how to complete Dr. Glimmerfin's questline in Fisch during the Tides of Gold patch update. This includes the location of all the algae samples in the game.
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How To Complete Dr. Glimmerfin Quest In Fisch | Roblox
Dr. Glimmerfin is a new NPC added in the Tides of Gold update in Fisch. You can find him in Moosewood Village, right next to the Bait Crates and Leaderboards. When you find him, interact with him and he will ask you to locate four different types of algae samples.
Algae can be obtained by fishing in algae pools that spawn randomly around specific locations. To the best of my understanding, there's no special fishing rod or bait to get it. Rods with good Luck stats might have higher odds of reeling in algae—but that's purely speculation on my part.
Pro Tip: Algae samples spawns in limited quantity so you might need to server hop if the areas are hotly contested!
All Fisch Algae Pool Locations (Tides of Gold update)
Here's where to find all the algae sample locations in Fisch:
- Algae 1: Ancient Isle
- Algae 2: Snowcap Island
- Algae 3: Forsaken Island
- Algae 4: Mushgrove Swamp
Fisch Dr. Glimmerfin Quest Rewards
When you find all the algae locations in Fisch, go back to Dr. Flimmerfin in Moosewood. You will be rewarded with the special Glimmerfin's Pupil title and 1x Golden Tide event, which you can use to complete the Golden Tide bestiary in Fisch. It lasts for 10 minutes.
And that's everything to know about how to complete the Dr Glimmerfin quest in Fisch. Did my guide help you? If so, let me know by giving me a shout at [email protected]!
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