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Fisch Exalted Rod: How To Unlock

Learn how to get Rod Of The Exalted One in Fisch by finding the Keepers Altar secret puzzle and Mutated Relic locations right here!
Fisch Exalted Rod: How To Unlock
Roblox via YouTube / ItzVexo

Need help to unlock the new Exalted Rod in Fisch? No sweat! The Rod Of The Exalted One is all the craze—and for good reason! It boasts some pretty gnarly stats, including a massive +200% Luck bonus. Best of all, it also significantly improves your odds of reeling in Exalted Relics.

But how do you get it?! Well, as it turns out you have to complete the Keepers Altar secret puzzle and find seven Mutated Relic locations in Fisch. But don't worry because this guide will show you exactly what you need to do to unlock the Rod Of The Exalted One in Fisch.

How To Get Rod Of The Exalted One In Fisch | Roblox

You can unlock the Exalted Rod by completing the Keepers Altar puzzle in Mushgrove Swamp. More specifically, you must access a secret area by going through a hidden door (i.e., a fake rock) on the island (XYZ coordinates: 2730, 130, -825). Here, you'll need to take the elevator to a room with seven Relic altars:

  • Red (Hexed)
  • Orange (Crystalized)
  • Yellow (Greedy)
  • Green (Translucent)
  • Blue (Atlantean)
  • Magenta (Fossilized)
  • Pink (Mosaic)
how to find keepers altar secret puzzle location fisch
The Keepers Altar secret puzzle location is inside a fake rock in Mushgrove Swamp in Fisch.

The Rod Of The Exalted One in Fisch will be unlocked when you place all seven Mutated Relics at their respective positions on the altar (just match the colors). Best of all? It won't cost you a penny. The rod will automatically be awarded as soon as you've solved the Keepers Altar secret puzzle in Fisch.

How To Find All Mutated Relic Locations In Fisch | Roblox

To unlock the Exalted Rod in Fisch, you'll need to get seven Mutated Relics. Most of these are only obtainable by fishing with specific rods—in other cases, they are more commonly found by fishing with rods in certain areas.

I've provided a table below to help you locate all the Mutated Relic locations in Fisch.

Mutated Relic How To Get
Hexed  Best obtained by fishing with the No Life Rod (20% chance) or via appraisal.
Crystalized  Only obtainable by fishing with the Crystalized Rod (12% chance)
Greedy  Best obtained by fishing with the Rod of the Eternal King (20% chance) or via appraisal
Translucent  Best obtained by fishing with the Ghastly Enchantment (20% chance) or via appraisal
Atlantean  Only obtainable by fishing with the Trident Rod (30% chance)
Fossilized  Best obtained by fishing with the Voyager Rod (25% chance) or via appraisal
Mosaic Obtainable by appraisal at Merlin NPC on Sunstone Island
how to unlock exalted rod in fisch
The Exalted Rod is unlocked by placing all seven Mutated Relics on their respective altars.

Is The Rod Of The Exalted One Worth It In Fisch? | Roblox

Yes—without a doubt. The Exalted Rod is one of the best rods in Fish. It has +55% Lure Speed and +200% Luck bonuses, making your fishing not only faster but much more lucrative. It also comes with 0.15 control, +20% resilience, and a 100,000kg weight limit, meaning it's capable of handling huge catches like Megalodon!

Better still, the Rod of the Exalted One in Fisch comes with a unique passive ability: Exalted Relics have a 2.5x higher chance of being caught. This means you'll have greater odds of hauling in powerful Enchant Relics to boost your rod stats and make fishing in difficult environments more probable!

And that's everything to know about how to unlock the Exalted Rod in Fisch as well as where to find the Keepers Altar secret puzzle and Mutated Relic locations. Did my guide help you? If so, let me know by giving me a shout at [email protected]

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