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Fisch Exalted Relics: How To Get & Use

Learn how to find and use Exalted Relics in Fisch in this guide!
Fisch Exalted Relics: How To Get & Use

Need help to find Exalted Relics in Fisch? You're not alone. These mutated enchantments are incredibly rare but offer some of the best buffs to boost your rods (and fishing experience). For example, Invincible allows you to fish in any body of water while Immortal offers a whopping +75% bonus Luck!

Find out everything to know about Exalted Relics in Fisch right here, including how to find them and the effects of each mutated enchantment.

How To Find All Exalted Relics In Fisch | Roblox

There are currently only seven Exalted Relics in Fisch: Immortal, Mystical, Sea Overlord, Anomalous, Quantum, Piercing, and Invincible. These are basically identical to regular Enchant Relics you can get in-game, only they're a lot rarer and generally offer better buffs and effects.

To get an Exalted Relic in Fisch, you must simply fish for them. Right now, I don't think you can buy them from merchants or obtain them in Treasure Chests (this might change in a later update). There are also no specific hotspots that I'm aware of, so you basically need to be super lucky.

You can use this table to learn more about each Exalted Relic in Fisch.

Exalted Relic Effect
Immortal Provides +75% Luck stats
Mystical Provides +45% Resilience stat
Sea Overlord Boosts fish size by 25%
Anomalous +10% chance to catch a duplicate fish with Anomalous mutation (boosts sell value by 2.5x)
Quantum +25% chance to catch Subspace fish (boosts sell value by 5x)
Piercing Stabs a fish to speed up reel time (similar to Trident passive)
Invincible Allows your rod to fish in any body of water (e.g., Magma, Brine Pool, etc.)

Pro Tip: You can complete the Keepers Altar secret puzzle in Fisch to unlock the Exalted Rod. Its passive ability gives you a 2.5x higher odds of finding Exalted Relics in the game. You can refer to the linked guide to find out all the steps to obtain it.

How To Enchant Rods With Exalted Relics In Fisch | Roblox

If you're lucky enough to obtain an Exalted Relic, your next step is to go to the Statue of Sovereignty. It's located inside the Sovereignty Cave in the northern part of Moosewood (X: 44, Y: 132, Z: -1013). Next, speak to Cole and pay 400 cash to use the mining elevator to reach the Keeper's Altar.

Once you're at the Keeper's Altar, equip the rod you want to enchant and interact with the altar while the Exalted Relic is equipped. After you confirm the enchantment, your rod will receive one of the seven possible variants. Just note that the altar is only active at night.

how to use exalted relics in fisch
You can enchant your rods at the Statue of Sovereignty in Fisch.

And that's everything to know about how to find Exalted Relics in Fisch. If there's a mistake or you'd like to contribute to this guide, let me know by dropping me a message at [email protected]

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