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Fisch Desolate Deep & Brine Pool Location

This guide will explain how to find the Desolate Deep and Brine Pool locations in Fisch Roblox.
Fisch Desolate Deep & Brine Pool Location

Need help to find the Desolate Deep in Fisch? You're in luck. The latest update added an underwater zone along with new rods, rare fish, and special gear upgrades to charge your fishing adventure. However, some Roblox players have yet to find this location.

But don't worry. This guide will explain how to find the Desolate Deep and Brine Pool locations in Fisch Roblox so you can make the most of your underwater journey!

How To Find The Desolate Deep Location In Fisch | Roblox

The Desolate Deep in Fisch is located behind Sunstone Island (quite far out in the middle of the ocean past the Statue of Sovereignty and the huge rock). You'll know you're at the right location if you find a buoy at the coordinates (-787, 132, -3104).

When you reach the buoy, purchase the Advanced Diving Gear for 15,000 Cash. Equip the gear and dive down into the water. After some time, you will eventually reach the Desolate Deep location in Fisch Roblox. You should see a message pop-up reading "Newly discovered location" to confirm you're in the right spot.

where to find desolate deep location in fisch roblox
The Desolate Deep is located directly under this buoy behind Sunstone Island.

How To Find The Brine Pool Location In Fisch | Roblox

Now, to locate the Brine Pool in Fisch, you'll want to continue swimming until you find a cave. You'll know you're close by if you find a white sign. It will read "Stop! Prevent Death" (you can't miss it). From the sign, you can choose to go left or right—I suggest going left.

Swim through a narrow cave passage, which will lead you to emerge in a pond where you can start fishing for new rare and mythic fish. There's also a merchant from who you can buy items like Bait Crates, Supper Flippers, Tidebreaker, and the Reinforced Rod (a new fishing rod in Fisch!).

where to find brine pool location in fisch roblox
The Brine Pool is located inside a cave within the Desolate Deep in Fisch.

Now, buy the Reinforced Rod and Glider because you'll need both to continue. Look for an NPC named Clarance. He will be pointing in the direction of where you need to go. You will see wooden structures that you need to climb. After climbing to the high point, use the Glider to glide over to a nearby area.

Once you land, continue forward, and you will eventually reach the Brine Pool in Fisch Roblox. This is where you can fish for the rare Spectral Serpent and other unique fish. Make sure you have the Reinforced Rod to fish in the Brine Pool, as it's required for this specific zone!

That concludes my guide on how to find the Desolate Deep and Brine Pool locations in Fisch. If I made any mistakes, please let me know by dropping me an email at [email protected] so I can fix them. Thanks!

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