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Fisch Clumsy Title: How To Get

Find out everything about how to unlock the Clumsy title in Fisch right here!
Fisch Clumsy Title: How To Get

Need help to get the Clumsy title in Fisch? You're not alone! Loads of Roblox players have been left scratching their heads trying to unlock this exclusive title. But is it even possible? And if so—how do you get it??! These are questions I'll be answering in this guide.

Here's everything you need to know about how to get the Clumsy title in Fisch.

How To Get Clumsy Title In Fisch | Roblox

Similarly to the "Master Fischer" title, the "Clumsy" title cannot be obtained in the game. It can only be given by admins. So—unless you're super lucky (or an admin yourself), you probably won't ever unlock the Clumsy title in Fisch.

The reason people are trying to get the Clumsy title is to unlock the Brick Rod. To be more specific, titles based on real-world time must be equipped to access the Brick Rod Room. The titles required change every hour and each title corresponds to a specific time slot.

In this case, the Clumsy title is needed for the 8 AM PST | 11 AM EST (United States) or 4 PM UTC (United Kingdom) time slot. So, if you're trying to unlock the Brick Rod during this time, forget about it. Rather wait an hour for the "Eternal Voyager" title to be active (unlocked by reaching Level 100). 

And that's about it. Basically, you cannot unlock the Clumsy title in Fisch because it's only awarded by admins.

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