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Fisch Cement Rod: How To Unlock

Is the Cement Rod even real in Fisch? Here's everything I know about unlocking it in the game.
Fisch Cement Rod: How To Unlock

Want to unlock the Cement Rod in Fisch? Yep—I'm sure you do! But is this fishing rod even real? Just like the Brick Rod, Roblox players have been stumped by the prospect of another secret rod in the game. But nobody seems to know how to actually get it (and not much has changed yet).

This guide will detail everything to know about the Cement Rod in Fisch.

Editor's Note: To be very clear, IT'S NOT POSSIBLE to unlock the Cement Rod in Fisch yet. While it SEEMS like the rod is real, there is a possibility the devs are trolling us. I'll update this page once I know more.

Is The Cement Rod Real In Fisch? | Roblox

Yes and no. It seems like Cement Rod is real in Fisch—but there's not been any definitive proof of its existence. Literally nobody knows how to get it yet. Having said that, a developer (Sake) on the Fisch Discord has been sharing messages and screenshots about the Cement Rod.

Since this was the same person who told us about the Brick Rod in Fisch, it lends at least some credibility to their claims that the Cement Rod is real. If you go to the Oil Rig location, there are tons of cement bags lying around, further hinting at the possibility of a secret quest.

So, yeah—all things considered, it's definitely possible the Cement Rod is a secret fishing rod in Fisch. The catch? Nobody has figured out how to get it yet. My best guess is that you'll need to solve a puzzle or complete a hidden quest. It might only be added in the next Fisch update. Who knows?

How To Unlock Cement Rod In Fisch | Roblox

It's not yet possible to unlock the Cement Rod in Fisch. Sorry lol. I'll update this section of the guide once there's more concrete proof (pun intended) available.

unlock cement rod fisch roblox
It seems there's also a secret title you get after unlocking the Cement Rod in Fisch.

And that's everything to know about the Cement Rod in Fisch. In short, it seems this rod is real but nobody knows how to get it yet.

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