Need a hand with Captain Ahab’s quest in Fisch? You're in the right spot. This special challenge requires you to hunt the legendary Moby during the Whale Migration event. Best of all, by finishing this quest, you'll be rewarded with the brand-new Swift enchantment. So, what are you waiting for?
This guide will walk you through how to start Captain Ahab's quest in Fisch and claim your reward.
Where Is Captain Ahab’s Quest Location In Fisch? | Roblox
Captain Ahab can be found to the left of Shipwright in Moosewood. Speak to him and he will give you the quest to hunt a Secret Fish called Moby. He says, "Ye hunt the Great White Beast Moby. Bring me one, and I'll trade ye a Relic payment for vengeance. Now go, and may the sea show ye no mercy."
Once you accept Captain Ahab's quest, your objective is to catch Moby during the Whale Migration event. The Whale Migration only has a 20% chance to trigger when it’s raining, starting from behind Sunstone Island and traveling through Ancient Isle to the end of the map.
However, Moby only has a 5% chance of spawning with the migrating whales. If you happen to find him, you should use Squid bait in Summer with a good rod like the Ethereal Prism Rod or No-Life Rod for the best odds of reeling him in (check my Fisch season tracker to know when Summer starts).
Once you have caught Moby in Fisch, return to Captain Ahab at Moosewood to complete the quest. You will then receive the Swift enchantment as a reward. This Enchant Relic boosts your swim speed while holding your fishing rod, making it easier to navigate water quickly.
That’s all you need to know to complete Captain Ahab’s quest in Fisch! Honestly, the Swift enchantment isn't that fantastic and has a similar effect to Flippers. That's why I suggest you equip it with a weak rod like the Flimsy Rod so you don't waste it.
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