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Fisch Brick Rod Quest: How To Complete [Solved]

Find out everything to know about how to unlock the Brick Rod in Fisch Roblox.
Fisch Brick Rod Quest: How To Complete [Solved]
Roblox via Carbon Meister Plays / YouTube

Need help to complete the Brick Rod Quest in Fisch? You're not alone! This is the most elusive mystery and players have been searching far and wide for this supposedly legendary fishing rod. Best of all, recent discoveries suggest it might finally be obtainable! So, how do you get it?

This guide will answer all your questions by detailing everything about the Brick Rod Quest in Fisch, including all the steps you must follow to unlock the Brick Rod in the game.

Is The Brick Rod Quest Real In Fisch? | Roblox

Yes, the Brick Rod Quest in Fisch is real—and after a lot of trial and error, we've finally cracked the puzzle on how to start, complete, and unlock the Brick Rod in the game. If you're looking to get your hands on it, here’s what you need to do:

  • Collect all three Hidden Bricks.
  • Complete Agaric's quest (i.e., the Fungal Rod quest) in Mushgrove Swamp.
  • Buy a Smoke Screen Totem.
  • Catch a Pufferfish.
  • Find the Trident Room code.
  • Find Brick Rod Room.

Once you complete all the steps, the Brick Rod will be available for purchase from the Brick Rod Room for 13,337C$. After purchasing it, you'll be teleported to Moosewood. If you get kicked after trying to buy it,  you did something wrong and will need to try again. Okay, now let me explain each step in detail.

brick rod real in fisch
The Brick Rod is purchasable from the Brick Rod Room after completing the Brick Rod Quest in Fisch.

How To Find All Brick Locations For Brick Rod Quest In Fisch | Roblox

The first step to completing the Brick Rod Quest in Fisch is to find all three Hidden Brick locations in Fisch.

Brick #1 - Roslit Bay (Volcano)

Head to the top of the Volcano in Roslit Bay. When you reach the lava, walk around the edge and you should spot a Hidden Brick for the Brick Rod Quest in Fisch. After you click on the brick, it will light up and play a sound to confirm that you've found it.

  • Brick #1 Coordinates: X: 5959, Y: 269, Z: 850
brick rod quest brick locations fisch roblox
Hidden Brick #1

Brick #2 - Ancient Isle (Phoenix Rod Room)

Make your way to the Ancient Isle. Specifically, you'll want to go to the Phoenix Rod Room inside the cave at the back of the island. The easiest method is to climb to the top of the mountain and drop into the room with a glider. Once inside, you'll see a Hidden Brick wedged in the rocks near the entrance.

  • Brick #2 Coordinates: X: 989, Y: -734, Z: 1136
brick rod quest brick locations fisch roblox
Hidden Brick #2

Brick #3 - Vertigo (Near the Merchant)

Travel to Vertigo and head toward the Vertigo Dip at the end of the cave. Go to where the merchant is located. Near the Angler Quest area, jump over the rocks on the left and drop down to find a third Hidden Brick.

  • Brick #3 Coordinates: X: -1844, Y: 194.5, Z: 196.1
brick rod quest brick locations fisch roblox
Hidden Brick #3

How To Complete The Brick Rod Quest In Fisch | Roblox

Obtain Vigilante Title and Smoke Screen Totems

After finding the Hidden Bricks, your next step is to complete Agaric's quest at Mushgrove Swamp (X: 2601, Y: 132, Z: -730). This task will require you to catch an alligator. Once caught, return to Agaric and you'll be awarded the Vigilante title, which you'll need to enter the Brick Rod Room in Fisch.

Update: This title only works if it's 9 PM UTC. Depending on the time, you'll have to equip a different title. I've listed all the titles below.

  • 8 PM UTC: Extinct
  • 9 PM UTC: Vigilante
  • 10 PM UTC: Lady Of The Sea
  • 11 PM UTC: God Of The Seas
  • 12 AM UTC: True Hakari
  • 2 AM UTC: Made in Heaven
  • 3 AM UTC: Chosen By Zeus
  • 4 AM UTC: Poseidon's Blessing

Pro Tip: While you're in Mushgrove, buy some Smoke Screen Totems. You can buy this for only 2,000C$ near the broken bridge on the coast on the right side of the island. When used, it will turn the weather to Foggy. You only need one but you can pick up a few just in case.

Catch A Pufferfish

Next, you'll need to catch a Pufferfish. It doesn't matter what size you have—it only matters that you have one. The best place to fish is in Roslit Bay or The Ocean during Summer (use our Fisch Season Tracker to find out when Summer starts). Any weather or time of day will do. As for the bait, you should use Seaweed.

Find Trident Room Code

Inside the Trident Room and to the right of the Trident Rod in Fisch, you'll need to memorize or take a screenshot of the three-digit number on the wall. This will vary from player to player. You can refer to my detailed guide about how to access this room if you haven't unlocked it yet.

brick rod quest fisch
You can find a unique three-digit number on the wall next to the Trident Rod.

Find Brick Rod Room

Alright, now you're nearly done. You'll now want to travel to Harvester's Spike, a small unmarked island between Terrapin and Forsaken Shores (X: -1285.4, Y: 140, Z: 1530). Once there, look for the tree in the image below. Next, wait until it's nighttime (or use a Sundial to force day to night) and equip the Vigilante title.

Now, use the Smoke Screen Totem you bought at Mushgrove to force Foggy weather. This will spawn a special NPC called Minish. Open your chat, type in the code you found inside the Trident Room, and hit enter. Finally, pull out your Pufferfish and interact with Minish to gain access to the Brick Rod Room in Fisch.

brick rod quest fisch
Minish will spawn next to this tree on Harvester's Spike.

Is The Brick Rod Good In Fisch? | Roblox

Not really lol. It's definitely worth a lot of effort to obtain but the Brick Rod isn't actually good compared to many other fishing rods in the game. Instead, it serves as a great collector's item. It does have a special "Studded" effect that makes fish caught with it appear Lego-like. But that's about it.

The in-game description is, "Wait, it's real?". Here's a look at the Brick Rod's stats in Fisch:

  • Lure Speed: 0%
  • Luck: 75%
  • Control: 0.35
  • Resilience: 35%
  • Max kg: Infinite kg
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The Brick Rod isn't that great.

And that's how to complete the Brick Rod Quest in Fisch. As you can see, you'll need to complete several steps to unlock this fishing rod. I want to extend a huge thanks and credit to YouTuber Carbon Meister Plays for solving this quest!

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