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Fisch Atlantean Storm Bestiary: How To Complete

Here's how to complete the Atlantean Storm bestiary in Fisch and all the required bait you'll need!
Fisch Atlantean Storm Bestiary: How To Complete

Need a hand completing the Atlantean Storm Bestiary in Fisch? I've got you, bro. The latest update added eight new fish to catch: Tempest Ray, Abyss Snapper, Vortex Barracuda, Whirlpool Marlin, Typhoon Tuna, Cycle Mako, Maelstorm Shark—and let's not forget about the elusive Void Angler.

But what's the best way to reel in these aquatic beasts? In this guide, I'll show you how to complete the Atlantean Storm Bestiary in Fisch, covering the baits you'll need and where to fish!

How To Complete Atlantean Storm Bestiary In Fisch | Roblox

All eight fish in the Atlantean Storm Bestiary are permanent additions to Fisch—so there's no rush to catch them. However, some are much rarer than others (e.g., the Maelstorm Shark and Void Angler have significantly lower spawn rates).

In all cases, you'll need to visit the Grand Reef (X: -3530, Y: 130, Z:550), a cluster of three islands lying just west of Roslit Bay and northwest of Forsaken Shores. More specifically, you must fish in the whirlpools that spawn around the area—this will be your prime fishing ground.

It's worth noting that the Atlantean Storm Bestiary forms part of Captain Neptune's pirate quest in Fisch. Make sure you visit him before you complete the bestiary to earn exclusive rewards!

Here's the full list of the new fish in the Fisch Atlantean Storm, along with their preferred bait and the best conditions for catching them:

Fish & Rarity Bait Time of Day Season Weather
Tempest Ray (Uncommon) Sea Weed Day or Night Winter Windy
Abyss Snapper (Uncommon) Fish Head Day or Night Fall Foggy
Vortex Barracuda (Unusual) Minnow Day or Night Summer Clear
Whirlpool Marlin (Unusual) Squid Day or Night Spring Rain
Typhoon Tuna (Rare) Fish Head Day or Night Winter Rain
Cycle Mako (Rare) Fish Head Day or Night Spring Windy
Maelstorm Shark (Legendary) Truffle Worm Day or Night Fall Foggy
Void Angler (Mythical) Truffle Worm Day or Night Summer Clear
Pro Tip: Equip a fishing rod with a high Luck stat like No-Life Rod or Rod of the Eternal King for better chances at snagging the rarer fish! Need help to unlock them? Just consult my dedicated guides.

Where To Catch Atlantean Storm Bestiary Bait In Fisch | Roblox

Need bait? I've got you covered. Here's how to gather the bait you'll need to complete the Atlantean Storm Bestiary in Fisch:

  • Sea Weed: Found practically anywhere in the game!
  • Fish Head: Obtained from Bait Crates (7.69% chance), Quality Bait Crates (11.1% chance), or by completing five or more Angler NPC quests
  • Minnow: Obtained by fishing in the pond at Roslit Bay. For the best chance of reeling it in, fish in Clear weather during Spring—and use Bagel as bait.
  • Squid: Obtained by fishing in the ocean at Roselit Bay. For the best chance of reeling it in, fish in Foggy weather at Night during Winter—and use Shrimp as bait.
  • Truffle Worm: Obtained by purchasing Coral Geodes for 600 cash from the Desolate Pocket shop, though they can also be acquired from Volcanic Geodes, Treasure Chests (10% chance for 6), completing 50+ Angler NPC quests, or redeeming codes. 

And that's everything to know about how to finish the Atlantean Storm bestiary in Fisch. Did my guide help you? If so, let me know by giving me a shout at [email protected]

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