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Fisch Ashfall Bestiary: How To Complete

Find out how to complete the Ashfall Bestiary during the Volcanic Eruption Event in Fisch right here!
Fisch Ashfall Bestiary: How To Complete

Need help to complete the Ashfall Bestiary in Fisch? Say no more. The latest update added nine new volcanic limited fish that you can catch during the Volcano Eruption Event, including the Pyro Pike, Burnt Betta, Ember Catfish, Scooty Salmon, Cinder Carp, and Ashcloud Archerfish to name a few!

But what's the best way to reel in these beasts? In this guide, I'll show you how to complete the Ashfall Bestiary in Fisch, covering the baits you'll need and where to fish!

How To Complete Ashfall Bestiary In Fisch | Roblox

The Ashfall Bestiary in Fisch is exclusive to the Volcano Eruption Event, which occurs at Roslit Bay (XYZ: -1600, 130, 500) on Feb. 15 from 14:00 GMT. It is a limited-time bestiary, which means that you'll need to catch these fish while the event is still active.

Here's the full list of the new fish in the Ashfall Bestiary in Fisch, along with their preferred bait and the best conditions for catching them.

Fish Bait Time of Day Season Weather
Pyro Pike Shrimp Day or Night Any season Rain
Burnt Betta (-30% progress) Squid Day or Night Any season Windy
Ember Catfish Bagel Day or Night Any season Clear
Scooty Salmon Seaweed Day or Night Any season Windy
Cinder Carp Minnow Day or Night Any season Clear
Molten Minnow Flakes Day or Night Any season Clear
Lava Lamprey Insect Day or Night Any season Rain
Blistered Eel Worm Day or Night Any season Windy
Ashcloud Archerfish (-90% progress) Coral Day or Night Any season Foggy

Note: Fishing in the lava will net you fish from both the Roslit Bay and Ashfall Bestiaries.

Where To Catch Ashfall Bestiary Bait In Fisch | Roblox

Need bait? I've got you covered. Here's how to gather the bait you'll need to complete the Ashfall Bestiary in Fisch. Most of these bait are also rewards for completing Angler NPC quests. 

  • Shrimp: Found in Bait Crates and Common Crates.
  • Squid: Found in Bait Crates Common Crates, and Quality Bait Crates.
  • Bagel: Found in Bait Crates and Common Crate.
  • Seaweed: Found in Bait Crates, Common Crates, and Quality Bait Crates.
  • Minnow: Found in Bait Crates, Common Crates, and Volcanic and Coral Geodes.
  • Coral:  Found by opening Coral Geodes in the Desolate Deep and Brine Pool (use Magnet bait).
  • Flakes: Found in Common Crates and Bait Crates. 
  • Insect: Found in Common Crates and Bait Crates. 
  • Worm: Found in Common Crates and Bait Crates. 

And that's everything you need to know about how to finish the Ashfall bestiary in Fisch. Did my guide help you? If so, let me know by giving me a shout at chad.kemp@ginx.tv

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