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Fisch Ancient Archives Vault: Location & How To Enter

Find out how to find and enter the Ancient Archives in Fisch on Roblox.
Fisch Ancient Archives Vault: Location & How To Enter

Need help to find the Ancient Archives location in Fisch? You're in the right spot. The Ancient Isles Expansion patch has added a ton of new content, including new fishing rods, bestiaries, mutations, fish, and even a new Rod Crafting tool. There are also new events like the Eclipse and Meteor Strike.

To discover all these wonderful new additions (and loads more), you'll need to know where to find the Ancient Archives in Fisch. Fortunately, I've got you covered with a step-by-step guide to this coveted new location—and even instructions on how to open the vault door in Fisch.

How To Enter The Ancient Archives In Fisch | Roblox

To enter the Ancient Archives, you'll need to travel to the Ancient Isles in Fisch (GPS: 4043, 125, 84). You can start by spawning a fast vehicle, like a jet ski, and then sailing far southeast until the island comes into view. Just be prepared to dodge a few obstacles along the way.

Once you arrive at the Ancient Isles in Fisch Roblox, head towards the waterfall—it's the gateway to the Ancient Archives. To be more specific, the entrance is hidden behind the cascading water. You can use a glider to climb to a high point near the waterfall and access the entrance.

Alternatively, the Tide Breaker tool can launch you into the hidden spot without the need for precise maneuvering. Once you're at the Ancient Archives location in Fisch, use a rope to descend into the caves. This will teleport you to a vault door, where the real challenge begins.

How To COMPLETE EVERYTHING in ANCIENT ISLES Update GUIDE in Roblox Fisch.. 1-17 screenshot

How To Unlock Ancient Archives Vault Door In Fisch | Roblox

To unlock the Ancient Archives vault in Fisch, you need to collect four fragments: green, purple, blue, and orange. These are scattered across the Ancient Isles—however, I've detailed the exact location of all the fragments below.

  • Orange Fragment: On a hill (it only spawns during a Solar Eclipse).
  • Green Fragment: Inside a cave near the Phoenix Rod location.
  • Purple Fragment: Inside the same cave as the Green Fragment.
  • Blue Fragment: At the bottom of the waterfall.

When you have found all four Ancient Archives fragments in Fisch, place them on the corresponding totems near the vault door. After that, gather three other players to help you stand on the pressure plates around the room. Rotate each totem so its face aligns with you while standing on the plates.

How To COMPLETE EVERYTHING in ANCIENT ISLES Update GUIDE in Roblox Fisch.. 1-38 screenshot

And that's a wrap! When everything is correctly aligned, the vault door will open, granting you access to the Ancient Archives and the Rod Crafting tool in Fisch. If you'd like to improve this guide, drop me a message at [email protected]

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