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How To Beat Grumble In Roblox DOORS Floor 2 | Room 150

Find out how to beat Grumble and escape Room 150 in Roblox DOORS Floor 2 in this guide.
How To Beat Grumble In Roblox DOORS Floor 2 | Room 150

Need some help to escape Room 150 in DOORS Floor 2? Yeah—you're not alone. This part of the update is super tough, mainly because the anchor locations are so difficult to find. In addition, you need to avoid the Grumbles roaming The Mine, each trying ever so desperately to eat you. So, what gives?!

Well, I've got your back. This guide will show you how to decipher the codes and find all the anchor locations in Room 150 of Roblox DOORS Floor 2. I legit even have a map to help you out. Trust me when I say you definitely don't want to sleep on this guide. Let's get started.

How To Beat Room 150 Boss Fight In DOORS Floor 2 | Roblox

To beat Room 150 (also known as The Nest) in Roblox DOORS Floor 2, you'll need to find the main terminal computer. This will provide you with codes for four different anchors that you'll need to find and activate (more on that a bit later)—this is a requirement to progress through The Mine.

Let's first go over a few things you need to know about Roblox DOORS Room 150. As you might have guessed, each anchor requires a unique code. The first code is given directly on the terminal, but the others will need to be modified based on the post-it notes found at each anchor location in Roblox DOORS Floor 2.

anchor locations terminal codes roblox doors floor 2
The terminal computer will supply the codes for each anchor in Room 150 of Roblox DOORS.

How To Enter Anchor Codes

To be more specific, if the Post-it says "+1" or "-1," then you must adjust each digit of the code shown on the terminal by adding or subtracting 1 for that anchor. To help you understand, let's look at an example. Suppose the terminal code is 202, and the Post-it note is +2. In that case, the code you must put "424" into the anchor.

While this instruction seems simple enough, Room 150 of Roblox DOORS Floor 2 is a bit of a maze. That means it's quite easy to get lost or confused about the direction you're traveling. What's more, there are three Grumble entities lurking in the pathways, ready to chase you. Not so easy, is it!?

anchor locations roblox doors floor 2 room 150
You must find the anchors in Room 150 and input a modified code based on the Post-it note.

Pro Tip: Grumbles do not deal lethal damage and will only chase you if you're in their direct sightline. They are slightly faster than you, but you can use a Crucifix to stun it for a few seconds—you'll also earn the "The Bigger They Are" badge in the process! Alternatively, use the subrooms or closest to hide if a Grumble is too close.

Where To Find Anchor Locations

Okay, so now that you have an overview of how to beat Room 150 in Roblox DOORS Floor 2, you're probably thinking: "Is that it?!" Well... no. The main issue you'll have is locating the darn anchors. The secret is to listen to the beeps of the terminal's antenna. The louder the sound is, the closer you are to the anchor.

To help you out, I've actually found a nifty map of Room 150 indicating the exact location of every anchor in Roblox DOORS Floor 2. This image comes as a courtesy of Reddit user u/Yippe__ (modified by u/RobloxExplorer69). As you can see from the yellow dots, there are seven possible anchor spawn locations.

room 150 map roblox doors floor 2 the mines
You can use this map of Room 150 to help you find the anchor locations in Roblox DOORS.

This means the anchors aren't fixed to a single location, as suggested by the annotations in the image. They can also spawn in any order except for anchor A. In simple terms, anchor B might be located at a different location from your previous runs. Listen to the beeps to inform you of the direction you need to go.

After entering all required codes, return to the computer terminal one last time. This will trigger a cutscene where a bridge starts lowering. You'll need to outrun a Grumble to reach this bridge and enter Door 151. A Guiding Light will create a barrier to protect you once you're through.

And that concludes my guide on how to beat Room 150 in Roblox DOORS Floor 2.  Your main priority is locating the anchors and avoiding the Grumbles that roam the corridors of The Mine. Lots of people struggle with this stage, so remember to be patient! If I made a mistake, let me know at [email protected]. Thanks!

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