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How To Find Dread In DOORS Roblox

Want to know how to find Dread in DOORS Roblox? Find everything to know about this entity in our guide!
How To Find Dread In DOORS Roblox
Roblox / DOORS

Looking for the new secret entity? Look no further! This guide will explain how to spawn Dread in DOORS. The new sponge-like entity was added during the Roblox Egg Hunt event and is white and blue in color, with multiple black holes and tentacles protruding from its face.

While Dread is certainly as scary as it is deadly, many DOORS players also want to know if it's possible to beat it. And that's where we come in. Find all the answers you've been searching for right here!

Note: The DOORS Floor 2: The Mines update is expected to come out in 2024. Check out our dedicated hub for more details—we'll keep it updated so you never miss out on any of the details!

How To Spawn Dread In Roblox DOORS

Dread will only appear in DOORS after one in-game hour. He will spawn after Door 13—but only if you haven't yet opened Door 14. We suggest waiting in the Reception area (i.e., before you open Door 1) until 1-hour has passed and then making your way to Door 13.

This is to prevent other Entities in DOORS from killing you while you wait for Dread to spawn in Roblox. If you open Door 13 before the one-hour mark, Dread won't spawn, and you'll need to play a new game to encounter it.

room 13 doors

How To Beat Dread In Roblox DOORS

The only way to beat Dread in DOORS is by opening Door 14 after he spawned. This will despawn immediately. If you fail to do this in a timely manner, you will be immobilized and die instantly. You can crucify Dread, but you won't receive any achievement badge.

Since the entity is client-side, each player will encounter a unique Dread. After spawning, the room will go dark and monotone; afterward, the entity will chase you down. If it catches you, it will trigger an insta-death and jumpscare. So, basically. you need to outrun it.

Note: It is possible for Rush, Ambush, Screech, and Eyes to spawn at the same time that Dread is active in DOORS. Also, you can technically outrun Dread infinitely by running back the way you came; however, you're more likely to run into the other entities.

And that's everything you need to know about Dread in Roblox Doors. Do you want to contribute to this guide? Drop me a message at [email protected] and I'll be sure to update this page with your suggestions!