If you want the fastest way to farm more Cranky Coins in Roblox Adopt Me and enjoy the minigame Tim's Cranky Tour, then we've got you covered with this in-depth guide.
Everyone and their pet Kraken will want to get more Cranky Coins to purchase either a Small Wish (1,500) or a Big Wish (4,000) in order to get the new pets released with the Ocean Update, so let's not waste any time and jump straight in, as I'll share some must-known tricks and tips.
Farming Cranky Coins Faster in Adopt Me
I recommend looking for a server that has a decent amount of players, especially if you know some of them. The server should, however, not be completely packed, as players can bump into you when you are diving for Cranky Coins in the minigame.
The reason for this, and to get Cranky Coins faster, is because Tim's Cranky Tours takes place every 20 minutes. But, next to the Wishing Well, you can pay Tim 1,000 Bucks to start the next Cranky Tour in only 45 seconds. If you coordinate with some friends, you can continue to do Tim's Cranky Tours quickly, over and over again, gaining a tonne of Cranky Coins without waiting around. To be clear, the whole Adopt Me server can join the extra, faster Cranky Tours.
Remember to avoid the Cranky Kraken's tentacles. Further, avoid the bubble streams, as this will take you up to the surface quickly and has sadly blown me up more times than I'd like to admit.
Check out YouTuber Cookie Cutter's video below for a visual guide.
Another solid tip is to always look around for Chests that spawn. These chests provide a tonne of Cranky Coins, but there's generally a tentacle close to it as well. I recommend only picking up a Chest when you spot one, but not to go look for them consistently and rather just focus on swimming around and picking up Coins. If you spot a magnet, pick it up quickly, as this will give you a power that pulls Cranky Coins towards you.
Read More: All Adopt Me Wishing Well Pets: Big & Small Wish Chances
While it does depend on how lucky you are and the Chest spawns, you can get well over 1000 Cranky Coins per run. You have until 27 September 2024 at 15:00 UTC to farm as many Cranky Coins as possible in Adopt Me, so get to diving!
Did I make a mistake in this guide? Then please feel free to email me at [email protected] so I can make corrections. Thank you!
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