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How To Get Chained Mega Token Badge

Here is a complete guide to getting Mega Token badge in Chained during Roblox The Hunt: Mega Edition.
How To Get Chained Mega Token Badge
Picture: 1-Day

Players are in the race to explore the participating games in Roblox The Hunt: Mega Edition to complete the event. While the basic quests are easy to complete, the Mega Token quests are hard to find and complete.

After you have obtained Mega Tokens in Spongebob TD, Untitled Tag Game, and Pressure, you can jump to the newly found Chained Mega Token. 

Chained Mega Token Obtainment Method In Roblox The Hunt: Mega Edition

Teleport into the blue portal to start The Hunt quest in Chained.
Teleport into the blue portal to start The Hunt quest in Chained. (Picture: GINX)

Apart from all the previous Mega Tokens, you need to complete the basic quest to get the Chained Regular Token. Moreover, you will also need Block Zone Unlocked badge before started the Mega Token quest.

Once you do all of that, head to Chained and go into the blue colored portal on the right side to start The Hunt quest. Pair with someone and teleport to Checkpoint 31. 

Go down the Mountain and enter the Blue Light. You might have to rejoin in order to do that. Enter the portal in front of you and help each other to complete the obby. 

You will get the Mega Token after completing the obby and if you die at some point, you will respawn at previous checkpoint.