What's the password for the Backrooms computer in Pet Simulator 99? Great question! After exploring around, you likely would have stumbled upon a quirky-looking terminal. But there's just one problem: you need a special code to access it! Luckily, I've got you covered. Here's how to find the Backrooms password in Pet Simulator 99.
Update: I updated this page with a cool trick you can use to crack the code!
What Is The Password For The Backrooms Computer In Pet Simulator 99?
While I haven't been able to solve the Backrooms computer password myself, it seems like the terminal requires a 3-digit code. This code is UNIQUE for every player—so you cannot use another player's code to gain access to the terminal. You basically need to look for the hidden codes yourself (I found two numbers: 3 and 5 before I got lost lol).
The numbers are found inside the rooms near the terminal, so keep a sharp eye out for them. You can spot them behind corners, on walls, on the ceiling, or even inside paintings in some cases! Just be careful not to venture too far, or the Backrooms layout will change. If this happens, you will end up lost within the maze (this happened to me, lol).
Are you looking for the Backrooms Key location in Pet Simulator 99? You're in luck. I've explained how to find this item in another guide. Please do me a solid and check it out if you have some time. Thanks, dude!
How To Crack Backrooms Code In Pet Simulator 99
If you manage to find the 3-digit code, you'll need to try different combinations until you solve it. From what I've read (and been told), there's really nothing spectacular after cracking the code. However, the reward COULD BE RNG. So, I'm remaining hopeful that it gives access to a 100x HUGE chance Egg.
But what if you haven't found all the digits? For example, let's say you have found two digits (e.g., 2 and 3). The good news is you can crack the Backrooms Password using a cool brute-force trick shared by one of my readers (thanks, Koko Fish Tail!).
- Grab a piece of paper or open a spreadsheet on your computer where you can easily record information. List down all possible digits from 0 to 9. These will be used to test various combinations.
- Based on the digits you have (e.g., 2 and 3), create a list of all possible combinations that could form a three-digit password. You need to consider every possible position for each digit. Write out combinations like:
- 32* (the * represents any digit from 0 to 9)
- 23*
- 2*3
- 3*2
- *23
- *32
- Now, begin testing each combination by substituting the asterisk with each digit from 0 to 9. For the pattern 32*, you would test 320, 321, 322, all the way to 329. Do this for each pattern you have written down.
- As you test each number, scratch out the combinations that fail. Keep doing this until you find the Backrooms Password in Pet Simulator 99. In the example, the combination that worked was 342.
That's everything I know about the password to the Backrooms computer in Pet Simulator 99. If you know what the terminal unlocks, please let me by dropping me an email at [email protected] so I can update this page for other readers. Thank you!